I had a bunch of spinach from our CSA last week that was about to take a turn for the worse. We'd kind of forgotten it was in the fridge. I had made spinach pasta before from the frozen block of spinach, but figured using fresh wouldn't be too hard. So, I gave my dad a call last night to see if he'd be up for teaching me how to make raviolis and spinach raviolis. Sure enough, Dad was excited to do so! I cooked down and dried out the spinach last night. It takes a good half hour or more, plus almost a half a roll of paper towels. It's rather laborious. This morning I was packing up for my parents' house...and um...my spinach is no where to be found. Eric had accidentally thrown it away (and took the trash to the dumpster!). Sad. I had to start over. Oh well. My dad and I had a blast making the pasta. It's really a hit or miss venture. Some days you just make a bad batch of dough. My spinach batch came...
I am Elizabeth. He’s Eric. She’s Evie. Together we’re The Buerglers. These are our tales. We love all things from our hometown of Atlanta especially, The Braves, Delta, and Chick-fil-a. When we’re not working you can find us hiking, biking, home brewing, Jeep riding, cooking organic, baking cookies, cloth diapering or watching documentaries.