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Showing posts from November, 2010

Beer Dinner & Bottle Company

For a wedding shower gift, Eric's parents gave us a "beer of the every-other-month club".  We've thoroughly enjoyed, but the last box came as we celebrated our one year anniversary. In the past, Eric and I have really enjoyed going out for great beers and food pairing dinners.  This has been getting rather costly. In attempts to save a little money and share time with some friends - we called the "Beer of the every other month club" and found out that they have a "rare beer of the month club" that also provides information on food pairings.  Four beers in a box.  Four chairs at the table.  Four friends. Sold. This month the date for our dinner with Sam and Rosemary also coincided with the day Eric needed to bottle his two recent home brews.  Perfect.  We started with our beer tasting dinner.  This month it included a ploughman's lunch (think British) of cheese, apples, pickles, hard boiled eggs, bread, soup.  The o...

Confirmation Retreats

Part of my job includes faith formation for the tenth grade students at our parish.  In tenth grade, they are eligable for the Sacrament of Confirmation... Thus I spend about 12 weeks in classes and on retreats with them.  This year we had a smaller class of only 156 candidates.  For two weekends in the Fall I am gone on retreat with them.  One half one weekend and the other have the second weekend.  Yikes!  I orchestrate about 30 volunteers and guest speakers, musicians, priests, deacons, etc to make this happen.  It is one of the biggest challenges I face each year, yet the most rewarding two weekends of the year.  Chapel at Covecrest  This year because our two groups were smaller, we actually fit in the chapel for Mass.  There is something so sacred about this tiny place of worship. Working on their pumpkins  The last few years, the retreats have landed over Halloween - so for a team building activity, the kids have a pumpkin c...

Beaufort, South Carolina

Pardon the total slacking on blogging.  I haven't kept up my promise to blog ever Tuesday for about three weeks.  Life has been just a little crazy insane with work.  Fortunately, last week I took a few days off to spend with my grand parents in Highlands, NC, thus missing another Tuesday blog. Anyway, without further ado, here's a little catching up from three weeks ago: Eric's great aunt and uncle, who are basically "grandparents" to Eric and Leeann, have retired to a precious town in South Carolina.  We've visited them once a year since I've been "serious" with Eric.  And they come to Atlanta as often as they can.  It was great with the weddings last year to be able to spend so much time with them.  While we were there, Eric and I went on bike tour, and well as a family walking tour.  By tour I mean "hey, lets go for a walk".  Of course, we had to watch the ND game, since Uncle Jim is also an alum (but let's not talk about the r...