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18 January, 2011

This is the story of your red right ankle

After the Snowcation 2011 fiasco last week, the weekend was pretty status quo.  I went to my parents, Eric went backpacking.  I think he should post about it, but will he? Probably not.

Anyway.  My ankle.  The story is REALLY uneventful, but everyone's been asking...

About two months ago I was in Jazzercise and landed some hip hop jumpy maneuver perfectly normal, as well as you can a hip hop jump maneuver. However, a sharp shooting pain radiated throughout my foot.  It felt funky, but I finished class and the pain went away.

A few weeks later a nagging ache was still there.

A few more weeks late the ache was still there.

I talked to a friend who had the same type of pain, and she ended up needing surgery on a tendon. Yikes!

My pain wasn't THAT bad.  So I kept working out and the ankle kept hurting.

With the Disney Princess Half Marathon just 8 weeks away I thought it was time to have the doctor take a look at it.  Fortunately, it's just a sprain!  A few month old sprain, but nonetheless, enough to keep me from running for a few weeks.  The doctor prescribed a few weeks of physical therapy.

My first appointment was delayed 5 days due to snow.  So that set me back a few pounds and a few days of working out.  My first appointment went really well.  She gave me a list of benchmarks I need to meet before I can start running again.  To give you a clue, one of the exercises I have to do to "pass" is balance on one foot with my eyes closed for 30 seconds.  When I was first diagnosed I could barely do 9 seconds with my eyes open.  Time to kick it in high gear!  She did say I was free to weight lift, bike, walk, elliptical as long as it didn't hurt.  

My second appointment we talked about the half marathon.  She frowned - a lot - when we talked about it. She thinks, at best, I'll be able to walk the race.  I really want that Princess Crown finishers medal, and not to be captain of Team Sidelines with Caitlin's grandma (no offense to grannies, I just want to RUUNNN).

So here's to ice packs, cardio Pilates, and power walking.  *Cheers*

1 comment:

  1. as an ankle sprain vet - I wouldn't push it - 13 miles is no joke on your joints. Feel better!!


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