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One Thousand Gifts {128-177} Summer Camp Edition

While at camp with the kids this week I was able to read another chapter and a half of the book, as well as spend some focused time journaling.   It's so easy to be thankful when you're at a place as beautiful as Covecrest...


128. pre-trip breakfast dates
129. bus "rentals" for free
130. excited kids for camp
131. safe bus trips
132. no one getting sick on the bus
133. Covecrest welcome
134. feeling @ home at Covecrest
135. amazing small group leaders assigned to our small group for the week
136. watching the kids pray with their hands open for the first time
137. their attentiveness and participation
138. impressive small group discussion
139. easy lights out with 20 girls in a room
140 easy wake up with 20 girls in a room
141. sunrise Mass over the pond
142. Feast of the Annunciation- Mary, Elizabeth, and John's "fear of the Lord"
143. coffee talks with the YMs at camp
144. helpful and generous camp staff
145. 2 naps @ camp
146. watching middle school kids go to and come from Confession.  Transformation.
147. a sing a long bonfire with 200+ middle school kids

 148. sunscreen
149. watching the boys cheer each other on on the ropes course
150. all our girls doing the high ropes without complaints, screaming or letting their fears be known
151. watching other youth ministers cheer on our kids
152. telling the girls about the baby
153. melty girl scout cookies on a hot day
154. a beautiful Mass with a homily on the Eucharist
155. ending Mass with a Eucharistic profession outside under thousands of stars
156. watching our kids worship whole-heartedly


157:  A trip to Waffle House with another YM
158: BBQ in Helen, GA with the girls
159: a peaceful nap and shower
160. Fr Jose's homily on a woman's "no" and "yes"
161. Women's session on becoming a saint
162. watching middle school girls stand up and declare their steps to sainthood
163. Adoration in the round
164. the boys processing in around the girls and praying over us
165. Praying over the boys
166. Fr. Paul asking if the baby leap in my womb at the sight of our Lord.... Yes!
167. Fr. Paul reminding me that I have a second guardian angel and the baby receives the Eucharist when I do


168. morning youth minister faith sharing
169. unexpected handmade affirmation notes
170. Barbara-Anne
171. summer staff
172. Chacos
173. Chaco-tacos
174. Watching the boy with autism run around camp and be cheered on by the "popular" boys from our church
175. good conversations with other young YMs
176. hot showers....alone
177. Pages 134-135 of One Thousand Gifts


  1. AWW Elizabeth I love you! #174-They were really good with him which was great! I will read One Thousand Gifts once I finish all the unread books in my box cause it sounds great! :)



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