How far along? 19 Weeks and 1 day
How big is baby? The weekly update from The Bump says Average size: 6.0 in, 8.5 oz Or about the size of a mango (see picture!)
Total weight gain: Hanging in around 14-15 pounds, despite my massive amounts of eating and baby growth spurt. I'm right at the top of the range for my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm curious as to what the midwife will say next week.
Maternity Clothes? Yes. Yes. Yes. I bought these two dresses (I have a purple, blue and cream pattern instead of the back and white one) to wear to a wedding (and Mass, showers, etc) this weekend. Thoughts on which one I should wear? The purple one is a little more comfortable, but the blue one shows off my bump a bit more, which Eric adores these days. I'll wear the same shoes, purse and wrap for each.
Stretch Marks? I found a new one on my boob. Katie was super impressed that I don't have any on my belly yet!
Sleep: This might sound crazy but I have been sleeping pretty well at CLI this week. The dorm bed has been really comforting on my sore hips and back.
Movement: Seriously, I still can't tell if it's the baby or gas.
Food cravings: Same old same old: Lots of milk & cereal, ice cream, watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew, crisp apples and grapes. My mom thinks I'm craving dairy because, as we've discussed, I need the calcium. And the fruit for the hydrating fiber to keep my, ahem, bowels, in good shape - an unfortunate complication of pregnancy.
What I miss: My back not hurting, though sitting on a yoga ball (great idea, Paige!) in the morning and at night has REALLY helped. According to What to Expect when You're Expecting
, the back, hip and thigh pain around month 4 is totally normal. And they have good stretches and exercises to help reduce it. Win.
What I am looking forward to: Holding my own little bundle of joy!
Milestones: We've reached the half way point! I didn't realize that 38 weeks is considered full-term. My belly button is almost flat! Kind of creepy. And my bump is noticeable as a baby and not just as weight gain. The bump had changed to feeling like a little portable house for the baby, and not like a few extra pounds.
Say What? All the girls at CLI this week have been asking if it's a boy or a girl. Not a lot of other questions or awkward discussions this week. Nice break :)
Sweet moments: Eric has been loving on the baby belly so much. I like when he holds my belly and talks to the baby.
Make room for baby: Okay, so I decided to take my old t-shirts and turn them into burp cloths and bibs for the baby. I'll have a whole post one this in a few weeks, but so far, they're looking great!
I talked Eric into doing a lap around Babies R Us and buybuy Baby last Friday. We had fun talking through random things and looking at ideas of what might want to register for.
And hooray for Alyshia she called on Sunday and gave me an awesome list of her favorites, needs, and "extras" for raising a baby. She was so helpful and honest about everything. She even offered a few items her kids have out grown. So generous! It was great having "mom talk" with a peer.
Oh, and THIS: Mood swings are out of control. Every few nights I have a total meltdown over totally irrational things. Like the other night I cried for 45 minutes that Paige had a baby taken out of her by the doctor. And that we saw her pregnant and an hour later she was holding him. Can. Not. Fathom. It really freaked me out. Eric has been a trooper with fetching tissues and just listen at me bawl.
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