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Showing posts from July, 2011

What's in a Name?

What's in a name? what which we call a rose * by any other name would smell as sweet Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Back in fourth grade I had a friend named Tiffany.  Tiffany and all her siblings had unusual names that all began with the letter "T".  One day I innocently asked their mother how she decided on their names.  She told me that back in grade-school she kept a list of names she liked on a piece of notebook paper.  Never scratching them out, but adding to it over her school-years until she had her babies. Now, I thought this was the best idea ev-er .  So I did the same thing.  I can still picture the paper list I kept.  I can see the phases of my natural printing and cursive, and the forced years of dotting my "i's" with an open circle. Ha, remember that?  Anyway, I have no idea what happened to my list.  I also have no idea what names were on it other than "Javier", which came from my obsession w...

Welcome to the MAINE event!

Sometimes you have those vacations where you sit around and do nothing .  This was not one of those vacations. My parents picked us up at the Portland Airport, which means I can add one more to the list , and all but threw water and snacks at us.  It was time to hit the road, and off we went driving from Portland to Camden via the scenic route. Our first stop was a lighthouse And a bit later a road side lobster (pronounced: lobstah) shack, for our first-ever lobster rolls. This is no ordinary lobster snack, as this one has been on some food channel show.  Did I mention the fried dough for dessert?  Yes, please. Just when I thought the night was over, we finally made it to Camden, Maine, where we walked through town for a bit at sunset.   The rental house my parents stayed at was perfectly sized and charming.  Completely outfitted with IKEA everything, it felt both classy yet replaceable.  The perfect balance.  It was p...

What I am Loving!

1. My Yoga Ball Or should I say, Eric's yoga ball that doubled as his desk chair until I made him not be "that guy" at his new job...  I hijacked it.  Nothing relieves my back, hip, tailbone, etc pain like a good twenty minute sit on it.  I might be sitting on it now. Ahhh.  2. This Gem Oh yes, Rosemary found a onesie on Etsy of a Baby Ninja.  A-mazing. Love it! PS: Not loving the fact that Roe is moving to NYC on Monday. I'd say cue the tears, but it hasn't hit me yet. 3. Yeah! Burger Grass fed, local, organic, and foursquare discounts?  What's not to love about this place. Hella good burger, sweet potato wedges and a milk shake.  4. My Pool Shark I love watching Eric play pool.  Nothing spells nerd  sexy like an engineer trying to play a social game and listen to him discuss angles, parabolas, and vectors. I'm only half kidding. Seriously, he's a great teacher. ...

I like papayas (PAPAYAS!) - Pregnancy Update {22 Weeks}

How far along?   Twenty Two Weeks How big is baby?   According to The Bump we've reached a "range" for the next month.   Weeks 21-24 (Month 5): Papaya Average size: 10.5-11.8 in, 12.7-20.8 oz As soon as I read Papaya I started singing this . I wish my arms looked that good! Total weight gain to date: 24ish pounds. I just read that in the next four weeks the baby will double in weight and that I'll be hungry and possibly DOUBLE MY WEIGHT GAIN.  Oh dear God I hope that's not true. I mean, I know it's not uncommon to gain 50 pounds during pregnancy, I just hope it's not by month 6, that worries me.  Ah, my back! Maternity Clothes? I bought a few things at the Motherhood Maternity 40% off sale.  My favorite are the PJs pants , and this shirt which I wore today with a blue cardigan, jeans and TOMS to Mass. Lots of compliments!  Stretch Marks? Sad. So Sad. I had one appear this week.  Looking down its on th...

Faith Life: Checking in Six Years Later

I once read a quote that said something to the effect that we find that we have changed when we come to a situation/place/person that has not.  And that is exactly what happened to me this weekend. Eric and I were among 6 chaperones to take 32 teenagers to a weekend-long Catholic youth conference .  Now I have attended this conference about 10 times indifferent capacities: visitor, volunteer staff, youth minister The Saturday night hour of Eucharistic Adoration is notoriously a time for teens and adults find spiritual healing, surrender, peace, forgiveness, strength, etc.  It is a very powerful night, especially for the teens who have never encountered our Lord this way. Now six years ago, my first summer out of college and my second trip with the youth group I was recently hired to lead.  I had a Saturday night Adoration experience of that of a broken teenager; praying for things like healing my broken heart, helping me be a good youth minister, mending ...

Favorite Things Friday

This week has presented a few small challenges with both of my jobs and with Eric's job.  Everything is fine now or will be fine soon.  Whenever my cage gets rattled a little bit, I have learned to turn to the blessings and little things in my life to find joy, hope, and faith.  Many of these things might seem trivial or superficial, but during a rocky patch, they're comforting. Tuesday the Canon 50mm f1.8  lens I've been saving for arrived.  It was a good distraction to play with this week.   I've very excited about the possibilities because it can do awesome things like:    Blurry backgrounds   Take well lit photos even in dim lighting. Yes, this room was dark  when I took this photo! Motherhood Maternity was having a 40% off summer styles sale.   I bought some new bermuda length jean shorts that arrive next week and some PJ pants with ties at the bottom. My normal ones are all t...