What's in a name? what which we call a rose * by any other name would smell as sweet Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Back in fourth grade I had a friend named Tiffany. Tiffany and all her siblings had unusual names that all began with the letter "T". One day I innocently asked their mother how she decided on their names. She told me that back in grade-school she kept a list of names she liked on a piece of notebook paper. Never scratching them out, but adding to it over her school-years until she had her babies. Now, I thought this was the best idea ev-er . So I did the same thing. I can still picture the paper list I kept. I can see the phases of my natural printing and cursive, and the forced years of dotting my "i's" with an open circle. Ha, remember that? Anyway, I have no idea what happened to my list. I also have no idea what names were on it other than "Javier", which came from my obsession w...
I am Elizabeth. He’s Eric. She’s Evie. Together we’re The Buerglers. These are our tales. We love all things from our hometown of Atlanta especially, The Braves, Delta, and Chick-fil-a. When we’re not working you can find us hiking, biking, home brewing, Jeep riding, cooking organic, baking cookies, cloth diapering or watching documentaries.