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Showing posts from August, 2011

Baking with Katie: Fried Rice

Katie?  Who is Katie?   Katie is my rocking sister with some  extreme kitchen creativity .  She writes about her life at Abbreviated Confessions of a Twenty-Something and her cooking at Better with Bacon . You can find her previous guest post called Copper Beech Balls, a maple sausage appetizer, here .   Happy reading.  And even happier eating.  So ya'll know about my butt/back injury by now (and are probably tired of hearing about it).  Well, in addition to me being out of the kitchen commission for a few days, Eric was gone on a retreat with our high school freshman class.  A weekend of mud pit, ropes course, photo scavenger hunts, hikes, s'mores, and lots of praising God.  He was just as exhausted, if not more than me. Katie, being a good samaritan, and even better sister, offered to make us dinner Monday night.  When she asked what we wanted, I immediately knew it would be steak fried rice. ...

Hello, Third Trimester - Pregnancy Update {Weeks 27 & 28}

How far along?   Twenty-Eight Weeks.  Hello, third trimester. How big is baby? I've seen varying reports around the internet from 2 pounds to 2.5 pounds.  I am secretly hoping for an ultrasound at my midwife appointment on Wednesday.  I want to see her so badly, even if it's in alien form. Total weight gain: +33 total.  Once upon a time I thought I'd only gain 30 pounds this whole pregnancy.  I'll be lucky to keep it under 50.  ;-) Maternity Clothes? I can honestly say I didn't buy anything in the last two weeks! Mostly because I don't *need* it and a little because the cooler weather is coming soon and I need to save up for a few long sleeved things before baby comes.  PS: Of course Motherhood Maternity just now sends out a 40% off coupon...hhmm. Stretch Marks?  I pretend that I am over it, but I'm not. They itch. A lot.  Basically new ones are popping up anywhere on my skin that'd (fortunately) be covered by a Be...

A weekend on "bed rest": The story of my hiney-ache

This weekend I was going to catch up on sleep, clean all the things and go to the bank , attend a baby shower, and work on a sewing project at my parents house. Instead my weekend turned into little more than watching hurricane updates and playing on Pinterest.  Granted I did roll in style at Club Corsetti: home made meals, warm baths, tv in my room, and a visit from my adorable nephew. So just how did I find myself at my parents laid up in bed watching basic cable? It all began on Tuesday - I had a great visit with the doctor regarding my back and am on the way to recovery. This isn't really part of the story other than I established a relationship with a doctor who could help with the events to come... Thursday I took a step down the sidewalk at my parents.  I felt it.  A snap.  My whole groin area was on fire.  I sat down for a while and was soon able to walk it off.  I went to bed and woke up without any pain. Friday I was telling Eric my p...

What I am loving!

Our new toy Do you see it in there?  Sandwiched between my Macbook, our refurbished Kindle (thank you and my phone is our new iPad!  Eric's team got them as thank you gifts for a product launch.  We'd debated about getting one with Christmas money but decided we didn't need it.  But hey, who can pass up a free iPad2?  Besides it really enhances the yuppieness of our coffee table... Hey Mom?  Can you add the ipad dock to my birthday wish list?!  Then I can use it in the kitchen instead of my phone to read recipes ;) Bravado Nursing Tanks I'm not breastfeeding yet (obviously), but I'd heard from both Lois and my sister-in-law that this brand is totally worth the money.  So when the tanks came up at 50% off on babysteals I jumped on the opportunity to order two.   I am so impressed that they have my size (amen!).  For the first time in my life I have a shelf bra that actually fits!!! ...

Wheat Free? Oh, my!

I had my meeting with the pregnancy massage and chiropractor specialist today regarding the horrible pains, pinching, numbness, etc in my back and hips. What impressed me about this visit is the first hour was nothing but her asking me questions about e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.  Um, who gives that kind of complete medical attention these days?  Hardly anyone. It was so refreshing to have a voice while talking to a doctor.  We went through some medical history, family history, injuries, allergies, and diet.  And then she asked me some questions that I thought were really random for a massage therapist / chiropractor. She asked if I had a history of wheat or gluten allergies in my family, and then said "you've probably suffer from IBS most of your life, right?  And this back pain for years too?" Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay, so I didn't know I was visiting a psychic, though at this point I was tempted to ask her for some lottery numbers. She was good. She said I prob...

On overcoming stress and perfectionism

I spent Sunday night and Monday night in tears. I woke up again on Wednesday at 5am having a panic attack. By Friday I hadn't slept more than about 30 hours during the week. I knew somewhere in the last 10 days or so I lost balance, perspective, and my health. It's August. The most stressful month of the year for me. This week I've been particularly plagued by stress. For the last few years Eric has challenged me to "find a way to deal with it"(Thanks, that's helpful), so that these episodes are kept to a minimum. After spending some time examining myself this week, I have found three ways for me to "deal with it" that are healthy and don't involve running (why is that everyone's answer for stress release?). From the sound of my week above, you'd never guess that I'm doing "better than normal" this year, but this year God decided to throw a few extras at me to really put me to the test. Here are my new go-to solutions ...

25 or 6 to 4: Pregnancy Update {Weeks 25 & 26}

How far along? 26 weeks! Approximately 14 weeks to go.  I am starting to like the numbers on this countdown :) How big is baby? The size of a cauliflower or chinese cabbage.  About 2-2.25 pounds, about 14.5-15 inches from head to heel.  She's getting tall like her daddy! Total weight gain: About 30 lbs.  I've been rather hungry this week so I think another growth spurt (probably for me!) is upon us. Maternity Clothes? My answer *should* be nothing new, but I did buy a $3.78 shirt off the clearance rack at Target....and turned around and bought REALLY expensive leggings at a designer maternity store, which I won't even tell you how much they cost because I almost cry every time I think about it.  Stretch Marks? Deep Breath. Yes.  Though, honestly, I've embraced them and am over it.  They've stayed contained to under my belly button, to which my midwife has assured me means they'll all shrink and be hidden by my panties. (I might need to b...

On the Rocks

When we were in Maine this summer we saw countless stores selling these Whiskey Stones. The idea behind them is that granite rocks stay cold for a while.  All you have to do is pop these bad boys in the freezer for a few hours before a party, and then in lieu of ice cubes in your whiskey you simply put one of these rocks.  This prevents melting ice from deluding your cocktail, or from funky tasting water skewing the flavor of your expensive malt. They range from $30-60 per set.  Yes, for rocks.  My mom and her friend decided, "Hey, the rocks at the beach are free" So they found a few stones, ran them though the dishwasher and tried it out.  Not too bad. So Eric was determined to find a set of his own. We now have our own set of Whiskey Rocks. Don't have us arrested for stealing nature. Please and thank you.

Baking with Betty: Strawberry & Brownie Triffle

Looking for something fast and impressive to bring to a summer cookout?  This is one of my favorites and it's oh-so-easy. Strawberry Brownie Triffle Ingredients: 1 family sized box of brownies, prepared and cooled  1-2 pints of fresh strawberries (or other berries) washed, dried, hulled, and sliced 1 large tub of Cool-Whip, thawed 1 box of Instant Pudding, French Vanilla or White Chocolate flavor (optional) a splash of milk (optional) Preparation (optional): This jazzes up the Cool-Whip a bit and really sets the dessert apart.  If you want to use heavy-whipping cream to make your own whipped cream instead of Cool-Whip you can! If you don't have time, or don't care, skip this step. Pour a splash of milk (okay, it's probably like 1/3c) into a mixing bowl.  Pour pudding mix into bowl and mix with a hand mixer for a few seconds. Add Cool-Whip and mix for about 30 seconds Triffle: Cut the brownies into small squares and crumble 1/3 of t...

With suffering comes prayer and gratitude

One of the deacons at our parish recently lost his mother-in-law. It was a long, heartbreaking process.  In the end, he said that when you or someone you love suffers, it's God's way of reminding us that we need Him and that we need to pray . This week has been exactly that for the Two Buerglers. As many of us do, we coast on auto-pilot day in and day out. Nothing really wrong.  Nothing really spectacular.  We're lukewarm.  And that's exactly where God doesn't want us to be.  It even says so in Scripture (somewhere). I often catch myself in these ho-hum situations and kind of look over my should and think, "Uh, oh.  Something big is coming.  God is going to move in my life in a big way".  And then I wait.  And BOOM. Something happens. And often, when it rains, its pours.  God is dramatic like that.  At least in my life. And most definitely this week. All summer Eric's company has going through a lot of legal/politic...

Fiesta! Musica! Cerveza! Risa!

For those of you new here, I recently moved from a full-time position at a Catholic Church to a part-time one.  I also work part-time for a friend's lawn maintenance company.  I do his bills, payroll, keep him organized, and any other odd jobs that he throws my way.... Like hosting a summer cook out for the six guys on our lawn crews.  I made the invitations in Spanish, thanks to Profesora Google (we all know Google is a female because she knows everything...haha), and a quick proof read by Chris, my boss. We planned a tasty menu that was American in nature but would not be weird flavors to our Mexican guests.  Chris bought an assortment of tequila and beer, made some guacamole and some peach salsa. We were ready to fiesta. Party night came and I was really nervous. Nervous because I can barely speak enough Spanish to find a bathroom in a foreign country.  Nervous because I didn't know if any of the guys would bring their wives or girl friends. ...

Baby Girl is on Lock Down

Wednesday was my 24 week check up.  My weight and blood pressure looked good.  Baby girl's heart beat was a nice strong 167 beats per minute. However, when my midwife, Diane, started feeling my belly for the baby's position and noticing my stretch marks she started asking questions about my back.  Ah yes, my back. If you've been reading my pregnancy posts for any amount of time you know how badly my lower back has been all-but-killing me.  To the point where by bed time I was nearly in tears and lifting my legs to get in the shower or to put on pants was a joke.  I explained to her the pinching, the aching, and the stiffness. She said that it's obvious that I am carrying very low, which several people have told me. And that the baby is not really sitting down in my pelvis but out in front of it.  This is causing my back, not my pelvis, to do the heavy lifting of holding Ninjalina in place.  It's also causing my skin to stretch more than necess...

What I am Loving!

1. Stuff My Nephew Says Last week I went to the mall for lunch with Connor and my mom.  He brought he's measuring tape with him from home.  He was measuring the table, chairs, me, his lunch etc.  So I asked him, "Connor, what are you measuring?" he replied, "This."  That's become his standard answer and it makes us all laugh!  Later my mom asked him, "Connor, do you want to take a nap in your bed at Nana's house?" "No, Nana, Aunt Kdadee left a big mess in-near"  "So where would you like to take your nap?" "In YOUR bed with alllllll the pill-yows"    2.  Gap Maternity I had kind of forgotten about Gap having maternity clothing because, well, I thought it was on-line only.  I stumbled upon their summer clearance + 25% off sale the other day.  New dress and skirt. Done.  I'd show you pictures but they're not online anymore. Sorry! 3. Ice Coffee Pioneer Woman  has got i...

Twenty four oceans with twenty four hearts - Pregnancy Update {Weeks 23 & 24}

Photo taken in Maine, over looking Kennebunkport about 23 weeks How far along? 24 weeks.  How big is baby? grown from a papaya to a mango to an ear of corn! and this week along should have gained about 4 oz.  Remember when she was only 4oz?? Crazy!  I have a visit with the midwife on Wednesday to learn more :) Total weight gain: I have been at +27 lbs for the last two weeks. It's fluctuated daily by about 2-3 lbs, but it's averaged the same number.  We'll see the "official" reading on Wednesday.  Maternity Clothes? Yes! I actually dug out a baggy/stretchy non-maternity shirt today, but I probably won't be able to wear it again.  I've been keeping an eye out on end of the season clearances and bought a dress and skirt at Gap for next to nothing!  But I think I am on hold until I fall comes / I can see how much bigger I get because I might need to go up a size. eek! Stretch Marks? Do I have to answer this? Sigh. (and I really did ...