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25 or 6 to 4: Pregnancy Update {Weeks 25 & 26}

How far along? 26 weeks! Approximately 14 weeks to go.  I am starting to like the numbers on this countdown :)

How big is baby? The size of a cauliflower or chinese cabbage.  About 2-2.25 pounds, about 14.5-15 inches from head to heel.  She's getting tall like her daddy!

Total weight gain: About 30 lbs.  I've been rather hungry this week so I think another growth spurt (probably for me!) is upon us.

Maternity Clothes? My answer *should* be nothing new, but I did buy a $3.78 shirt off the clearance rack at Target....and turned around and bought REALLY expensive leggings at a designer maternity store, which I won't even tell you how much they cost because I almost cry every time I think about it. 

Stretch Marks? Deep Breath. Yes.  Though, honestly, I've embraced them and am over it.  They've stayed contained to under my belly button, to which my midwife has assured me means they'll all shrink and be hidden by my panties. (I might need to buy bigger panties.)

Exercise: I had a few really good walks these two week. Mom and I ran a ton of errands.  I went to the Braves game with some friends. It was nice to get some actual distance in.  I've been keeping up with my 2x a day stretches.  I think it's time to add the cardio video back in, or some hand weights.  My arms are getting flabby.

Sleep: A week of incredible sleep followed by a week of insomnia.  I got a lot of reading done, a lot of worrying done, a lot of late night to-do lists created, and not too much sleep.  However, this weekend Eric was out of town and I made a giant nest of pillows and cranked down the A/C and slept like a tired, exhausted pregnant lady baby. Bliss.

Movement: Ninjalina has been going crazy, especially the two days I didn't wear my back brace. During a staff meeting the other day my co-workers could see her kicking me from across the table.  The pastor was trying to prove a dramatic point and my co-workers were trying not to laugh watching my belly, which made the whole thing funnier.  Eric's also been able to feel her and see her even more.  He loves it!  And I love watching his face when he gets a good kick. 

Food cravings:  Ya know, I haven't really had anything noticeable lately.  My relationship with food is semi back to normal.  I don't enjoy cooking as much, but that's more to do with my back than with food.  I still eat a lot of fruit, cereal and fro-yo, (and I've been known to combine all three) but from what I hear, those are normal desires. 

What I miss: Beer!  There.  I said it.  I really miss the taste, the smell, and the buzz from beer.  I even savored a few sips of my sister's Mich Lite at the Braves game the other night.  Now that's desperation.   When the guys were home-brewing the other day I just wanted to stand next to the boiling hops and inhale. mmmm. (Never mind that hops and pot are close cousins...) This confirmed with Eric that he did, in deed, marry the right woman.

What I am looking forward to: The moment that we get to meet Baby Girl. Our Bradley class this week was on "Advanced Labor" and all I could imagine was that precious moment when our daughter will be lifted up and put in my arms and we get to see her for the first time.  Okay, need to stop. I'm getting all teary-eyed thinking about it.

Milestones: Seeing kicks/punches from the outside. Strangers commenting on my belly. People letting me cut in line for the rest room or check out. As for baby girl, she is now considered "viable", meaning if I delivered her today there would be a good chance she'd live (obviously with a lot of help from NICU).  It's like having a mental security blanket.

It's time to start working on our birth plan.  And interviewing doulas. We still aren't sure about using a doula (open to thoughts/suggestions/comments), but are reading up on some that have been recommended to us.

Say What? 

I've been getting a lot more comments from strangers, but my favorite moment was at the Publix Deli counter....

"I think that'll be all for me today"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, ma'am"
"She (pointing to my belly) doesn't need a sandwich or anything does she?"

And from my husband (spoiler alert, if you follow me on facebook you've seen this):

Eric: Dang it! Hurry Up! 
E: Who are you talking to? 
Eric: The bacon. It's just like Baby Girl...taking FOREVER TO COOK!

Sweet moments:  My dad added me and my sister-in-law to the family AAA plan.  He didn't want his girls and grand kids stranded.  And this way he knew a reputable company would come to our rescue. Thanks, Dad!!!  This is one of those gifts that I hope I never use!

Make room for baby: Many thanks to Alyshia for the trunkful of baby gear.  Her kids have out grown a few baby items and she passed them along to me.  We got a fancy bathtub, bouncy seat, bottle brush, and a bebepod with all the accessories. 

I took my mom to buybuybaby and Pottery Barn Kids this week to look at decorating ideas, patterns, colors, and a short list of particular items that I wanted her opinion on.  We found a super cute gender-neutral set of bedding / decorations for baby girl's nursery. (Yes, we finally decided to set one up for her!)  Mom checked my choice of stroller, diaper bag, crib, etc.  I figured 4 kids and 2 grandkids, she might know a thing or two about these things.  She's a great help.

My in-laws offered to buy us a crib, so we've been emailing them some ideas.  I am hoping to find a weeknight to go shopping with them because all the stores said delivery could take 1 day to 12 weeks. Not that baby girls needs a crib when she first comes home, I just don't want to deal picking it out when she does.

Oh, and THIS:

Every night I spend about 30 minutes having a series of really deep, belly rattling burps.  The kinds that come from the depths of your gut and leave you feeling as though you could eat a second dinner.  I find it entertaining. 

Three of my fingers (thumb, pointer, middle) on my right hand fall asleep multiple times while I'm asleep at night.  I wake up and have to shake my hand / move my arm to get them to wake up.  Dr. Google says it could mean that I have carpel tunnel or diabetes or both.  I'm hoping it's just poor circulation. 

**HELP, I am having a VERY difficult time photographing in our apartment. We have little natural light, and a mix of yellow & blue light bulbs.  Everything turns out yellow in pictures and then when edited is blue. Can anyone help me?  Thoughts on a white balance setting I should use, because "auto" just isn't cutting it? Any tips on editing? I use basic iPhoto or the Premium version of Picnik.  (Thought Photoshop Elements is on my bday wish list!)


  1. I had my first beer tonight...not to rub it in...but it was wonderful, with pizza. I've missed pizza! :)

  2. Yay for getting ready for baby! I seriously may have more baby stuff for you. Eric will probably not want to be my friend any more if I keep giving baby girl things to store in your place!

  3. i think it is funny that you said you "slept like a baby" and meant you slept really well...hahahahaha., oh you just wait girl!!!


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