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The latest: work preparations, home brewing, and more baby showers

It's been so long since I've sat, just to sit.

I quit my job at the lawn company at the end of September because I knew October would be crazy at the Church and getting ready for baby.  I am so thankful I had that foresight.

In one week I will send 142 high schoolers to the mountains with 36 adults for a retreat that I planned and organized but will trust two other adults to execute without me.

In three weeks I 177 10th graders will come before the Archbishop at two Masses to receive the indelible mark of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit; a Mass that includes several visiting clergy, 15 Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, a full worship band, and a reception for all 800 after each Mass.  Yes, ten days before my due date.  No. Big. Deal.

In the mean time I've had two more beautiful baby showers.  One thrown by my co-workers and one by my mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

My co-workers were so generous in doing a brunch theme shower with lots of gluten-free casseroles, fruits, and salads.  Such a thoughtful surprise.  They also pooled together and bought us the car seat for baby girl, and a few other precious little outfits.

My mother and sister-in-law hosted a shower for all the ladies that Eric grew up with.  It's always fun to spend time with them, especially without Eric, because I get all the dirt on him.  But I also learn just how much they love him and are proud of him.

As you can see, I am getting rather plump!

When I haven't been chained to my desk planning the events above, or out showering baby girl with love and loot, I've been...

....doing loads of tiny laundry
....painting art and decorating the nursery
....assembling cribs, desks, bookshelves
....visiting with girl friends and their babies
....avoiding the computer for non-work because I have constant numbness from the carpel tunnel in my right hand
...keeping my feet up
....ordering cloth diapers an nursing bras
....trying to create low-sodium, gluten-free menus with an exhausted, emotional, pregnancy brain
....keeping track of my water intake to be sure that I get at least 2 liters but not more than 3 a day
....staring at the growing pile of thank you notes that I need to write, but can't hold a pen for more than a sentence or two

Eric has...

....built a two-tap kegerator from a mini fridge
....learned how to bottle beer from a keg
....won 6th place in a local home brew competition (the top 4 went to a guy who is nationally ranked!)
...packed up his desk and is moving office buildings now that his company's merger is finalized
...stepped up his game at work and taken on some leadership roles to keep things smooth while merging. He comes home equally exhausted
....been enjoying the Fall weather: biking, hiking, unicycling, back packing, and driving the Jeep with the top down
....been out socializing with his guy friends before the baby days begin
....created a recipe for a brown ale (my favorite) to be ready for baby girl's due date, and is brewing it today!

Next week...
Eric is going to San Francisco for a work project.  Which means I will be spending the night at my parents house so I am not alone 36 weeks pregnant.  On top of it, my mom is having surgery, which means my dad will have his hands full cooking for two laid-up ladies watching The Price is Right reruns.  Hopefully mom and I can finish our paintings for the baby's room, and finish sewing all the burp clothes I started this summer.


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