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Showing posts from November, 2011

Rocket Man!

During Thanksgiving week we were blessed to spend lots of time over at my parents house.  All my siblings were in town for the long weekend, and all three baby cousins got to play together, well, as much as a three year old, four month old, and three week old can play together. Eric and I have made every effort to go on a walk every day, even if it's just down the street and back.  While we were at my parents, we'd bundle Evie up and walk around the neighborhood's pond. Saturday was no exception.  This time, our three year old nephew wanted to come with us. He decided he was going to be a "duper here-row" with fire that makes him run really fast. Naturally. And then Connor asked Uncle Eric if he wanted to be a "duper here-row" too.  Of course, you can't say no to a three year old.  Connor taught Eric how to "get gas" and "make the fire come out of his arms" and then they were off and running. ...

Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Evie's Birth Announcement

Here's a little preview of Evie's birth announcement. Sweet Pinstripes Girl Birth Announcement Customize your own unique baby announcements with Shutterfly. View the entire collection of cards.

Evie's Birth Story - Part 2

Incase you missed it, here's the back story ... Once we arrived at the hospital, time seemed to move at it’s own fascinatingly fast pace, even though nothing felt rushed or quick. Check-in was easy, and they even approved me to labor in the tub if things went well with the Pitocin. Thank You, Jesus! The nurses came in and immediately started with the poking and prodding.  It was still so surreal.  I was in the hospital to have a baby.  Our baby.  Our sweet baby girl.  She was coming soon whether we liked it or not.  This was it. At 6:30 on the dot a nurse came to insert the Cervidil, not a pleasant process, mind you.  And hooked me up to the fetal heartbeat monitor and contraction monitor.  She explained that I had to stay monitored because Cervidil can induce labor all on it’s own.  Later, another nurse came in and told us to settle in for the long haul because Cervidil “almost never works...making the labor with Pitocin even longer an...

Evie's Birth Story - Part 1

Halloween morning I went to my regular thirty-seven week midwife appointment.  Before I left, she demanded I go on bed rest and even called my husband to enforce it! The good news, however, was that I was already 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. I had to go back the next day for follow up tests, and by tests I mean that I had to collect all my urine in a giant thermos for the next 24 hours.  Fun, right? The urine tests came back stable enough to let me go a few more days, but the reality of being induced was looming. We had to check in again on Thursday. Thursday’s check up was quick and easy. Bed rest was keeping my blood pressure stable and I’d even lost two pounds of water weight.  The doctor decided I was good to go through the weekend. There was hope for us to follow through with our natural, un-medicated, water birth after all! That Saturday night I didn’t follow the strict bed rest orders, and went out to dinner with my parents and in-laws.  The quick dinn...

Her Name

While I am working on her birth story, I thought I'd throw you a little bone and write about her name and how we came up with it. Genevieve "Evie" Marie Remember our seemingly short list of criteria  that said we wanted something not too trendy, not too weird, not too dated, has religious significance and a hint of family meaning.  This proved to be a tall order. After working through a list of family names and trying to make them work (fail!), we decided to download an iPad baby naming app for inspiration and to help us think outside the box.  We would stay up and night and just read, letter by letter, the names.  Anything we both didn't hate was added to the list of potential names.  After about a week, we had a working list of 30 names. After that we didn't talk baby names for a long time, but each spent time thinking through our personal favorites. With about six or so weeks to go, we stayed up really late one night talking through out list of ...

I'm coming out! I want the world to know!

Introducing... Genevieve "Evie" Marie Born  Tuesday, November 8, 2011  6:55 am 7 lb 9.6 oz 20 inches Eric and I are so in love with our precious baby girl.   We can't wait to share her birth story and all about her first week at home!  But first, we need a little more sleep and a lot more coffee :)

Almost here!!! Pregnancy Update {Weeks 37 & 38}

I didn't get a picture of me these last two weeks, so here's Sofie the Giraffe.  She's ready for baby girl! How far along? 38 weeks How big is baby? Internet estimates about 6.5 pounds and 20 inches.  At my ultrasound on Tuesday the baby was down too far to measure, so it's just a guessing game!  My mom said my brother and I were about 7.5 at 2 weeks early.  Alex was 8.5 at 3 weeks early and Katie was 6.5 at a few days early.  I am suspecting that will be my range.  My guess is around 7.5-8 for baby girl. Total weight gain: I've fluctuated a lot the last two weeks due to water retention and hypertention, hence the bed rest. I'm around 40-45 pounds gained.  We suspect a lot of it it water. Maternity Clothes?   My sister bought me a nice nursing pajama top and bathrobe for the hospital so I can wear something a little nicer than the hospital gown :)  Fact: I've never owned or worn a bath robe.    Stretch Marks? I had...

Will you still call me Superman?

Last Fall I knew Eric and I were planning to get pregnant so I started eating better and exercising. I knew I would want to feel my best going in to the pregnancy. Well, one day while doing aerobics, I twisted my ankle .  I took a few weeks off from working out; I was super busy with work anyway.  Then the holidays came. The pounds packed on and the work outs stopped completely. Come January it was time to get serious about my Disney Princess Half-Marathon training, but every run left my ankle more and more swollen.  Off to the doctor.  It was sprained pretty bad.  I was forbidden to exercise, or walk more than a mile or so a day for 8-10 weeks. That got me to the end of February.  I was cleared the Monday before our Sunday half-marathon.  I pushed through and finished the 13.1 by walked very slow and very carefully. Little did I know I was already pregnant.  (I should have known by the crazy hormones I had while at Disney World!) And wit...