I didn't get a picture of me these last two weeks, so here's Sofie the Giraffe. She's ready for baby girl!
How far along? 38 weeks
How big is baby? Internet estimates about 6.5 pounds and 20 inches. At my ultrasound on Tuesday the baby was down too far to measure, so it's just a guessing game! My mom said my brother and I were about 7.5 at 2 weeks early. Alex was 8.5 at 3 weeks early and Katie was 6.5 at a few days early. I am suspecting that will be my range. My guess is around 7.5-8 for baby girl.
Total weight gain: I've fluctuated a lot the last two weeks due to water retention and hypertention, hence the bed rest. I'm around 40-45 pounds gained. We suspect a lot of it it water.
Maternity Clothes? My sister bought me a nice nursing pajama top and bathrobe for the hospital so I can wear something a little nicer than the hospital gown :) Fact: I've never owned or worn a bath robe.
Stretch Marks? I had all but forgotten about them until the baby dropped, and now my skin is stretching and itchy in new places. Silly baby.
Exercise: These days, exercise is rolling over in bed, going to the bathroom (again), and getting off the sofa. Thanks, bed rest!
Sleep: Week 37 was a hell-ish nightmare. I maybe slept 3-4 hours a night. I was so stressed about getting everything wrapped up for work that I just couldn't sleep, even though I did every trick in the book to "relax before bed." My subconscious knew better. My guess is the lack of sleep only propelled the hypertension, thus leaving me on the couch. This second week has been remarkable. Somehow I lay on the couch from 7am - 11pm and still get a solid night's sleep. Knowing this made me realize it wasn't the baby/pregnancy keeping me up at night, but in deed the stress.
Movement: Today is the first day my wild ninja has been quiet. She has been rocking and rolling so hard that people across the room laugh. She kicked the monitors off my belly on Tuesday. The nurse, ultrasound tech, and OB couldn't keep her still to get accurate readings of her heartbeat. At least they laughed about it! The other day she curled up so far on my right side that my stomach looked like a ski slope. I'd show you the pictures, but I don't want the whole wide web to see my stretch marked belly. Sorry.
Food cravings: Chocolate. And nothing satisfies it. I had a flourless chocolate lava cake last night and I wanted to take a bath in it. And, doughy pizza...which I am not really supposed to be eating, but I had some from a local pizzeria. I savored every. single. bit. mmmmm
What I miss: Outside. People. Not laying on my side. Doing things for myself. People not talking about my body like it's a science project.
What I am looking forward to: Having this beautiful baby!!!!
Milestones: Making it to 38 weeks! Feeling distinct body parts roll around or poke out of my belly. Having to ask someone else to cut my toe nails because I can't reach mine!
Say What?
E: Are you ready to meet your new baby cousin? She's going to be born soon.
Connor: Is she going to be big like you?
Sweet moments:
The other night I was hanging out with my nephew, Connor, and he was giving his goodbyes before going home. I asked him to give my baby belly a kiss goodbye and he said, "How about a hug?" and wrapped his scrawny little 3 year old arms around my belly and said, "I love you baby"
We have two other couples from our group of friends at church who are due in November. Neither of the two couples found out if they were having a boy or a girl. Many of our friends who have recently had kids or found out they are pregnant all have boys, so we were rooting for these two couples to have girls. L&M had their baby and it was a boy. Eric's response was, "B&A better have a girl....Baby Girl has too many boyfriends already and I am going to get tired of beating them up"
Make room for baby:
I had so many cute little pictures to share, but our Internet is being dumb, so you just get one sneak peak photo of the baby's room :)
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