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Showing posts from 2012

Christmas Visits and Visitors

One of my favorite parts about Christmas (okay, there are SO MANY to choose from!) is going to visit friends and having friends come visit!  Last year our visiting was kept to a minimum as traveling with a 7 week old was rather challenging...but this year it was a blast taking our Little Bit along for the ride. She was such a trooper! On December 23 (or Christmas Eve Eve as we like to call it) my girl cousins came over to decorate ginger bread houses.  We used to do this when the girls were younger when I baby sat them after school.  But now that they're grown up we expanded the fun to all the cousins! The rules: must come in your jammies, no make-up, bring all your gross Halloween candy, HAVE FUN! That afternoon we made it over to our friends Kevin and Anne's house for a Christmas open house.  Many of our playgroup and bible study friends were there with their families.  It was so fun for all the kids to play together and to see everyon...

Christmas Continued 2012

It's not uncommon for Christmas in my family to last a full week (as it should!!!) David and Paige drove up from Savannah the day after Christmas.  We'd saved gifts for my parents, our sibling gifts, and the stockings for their arrival. (Obligatory picture of Evie McFly) We had another big family Christmas dinner (Dad...where is the iPhoto photo of us leaned back at the dinner table?!?!).  Evie didn't even make it through dinner.  Poor thing was (and still is) exhausted from all the Christmas fun!  As soon as dinner was over we did presents AGAIN!  Zachary and Connor had so much fun playing with all the boy toys. My mom got another pair of bunny slippers!  It's tradition :) (Don't worry, that's not really an iPad on the floor, it's the picture of one from the packaging of Evie's FisherPrice iPad case) Then it was time for stockings!!!!  My mom always manages to save the best for last!  I mean, that shark hat? ...

Christmas Day 2012

After a late night at Christmas Eve dinner , Evie slept in an extra hour (wa-hooey!).  We started the morning with a light breakfast and Christmas morning prayers around the advent wreath (week #2 didn't stay lit so we traded it with #4).  Then it was time for presents!!!  Evie opened them...  ...very.... ...slowly....  and carefully.  YAY!  An  ND shirt from Aunt Leeann and Uncle Dan!  And new bath toys from Santa!  And a water table for this summer!! Eric and I exchanged a few small things from each other.  Our main gift was the new water filter . After we wrapped up (no pun intended) gifts and family time at our house, we headed to my parents house for our traditional jammies-all-day brunch and gift exchange.  My grandfather dressed up like Santa for photos with the great-grand kids. Of course there was the Surprise! Santa came! photo on the stairs!  And brunch...

Christmas Eve 2012

Then one foggy Christmas Eve.... My parents and family used to host a ridiculous Christmas Eve open house: appetizers, desserts, wine, you name it.  Everyone just came and went before or after Mass.  It usually rendered us exhausted and half drunk / half asleep for Midnight Mass.   This year my mother kept it simple: We had a formal sit down dinner with my parents, Eric's parents, my brother Alex and his girlfriend. (photo courtesy of my dad's iphone) My parents made a delicious dinner and Eric's parents made homemade pies for dessert.  The evening was quiet compared to years past. But I'm glad Eric's parents still joined us as I always love when my parents and Eric's parents can share a holiday meal. After dinner Eric's parents graciously took Evie back to our house so we could attend 9:00 Mass with my parents at their church.  Eric's parents are awesome for sitting through the 4pm chi...