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Showing posts from January, 2012

Could I *Be* Wearing Any More Clothes?

I should have known what my day was going to be like the second I woke up... Eric came in to our room lay Evie back down for her early morning nap and to kiss me good-bye, it was then that I realized my left breast had leaked significantly during the night.  It soaked through the nursing pad, my bra, and my shirt.  So I change my shirt and bra and immediately head to the living room to pump. I am sitting there pumping away, reading blogs and before my usual 15 minutes is up I feel a wet spot on my leg. In just a few short minutes the bottle over filled and was flowing out on to my pajama pants. Naturally, I changed my pants. I proceed about my morning, cleaning the kitchen and getting some chores done. Evie woke up and is ready for a bottle.  We snuggled in to eat and catch up on last night's television.  She was a little fussy, but not more so than she'd been the last few days with this growth spurt. She finished the bottle so I pick her up to burp her...

Miscellany Monday {5}

1. Eric and I had a good laugh over blogger friend Bethany's post about her husband and skinny jeans .  Eric and Bethany's husband would be two peas in a pod (if we all ever met!).  Engineers who hate well fitting skinny jeans, unite! 2. Evie was Baptized this weekend along side our nephew and now Godson, Zachary.  Post coming soon!  Eric and I were so filled with joy all day on Saturday.  We equated it with our wedding day, minus the nerves.  God is good! 3. You hear on sitcoms or in pop culture that marriage is the end of romance.  I disagree, the romance just has a different face.  Today, for instance, Eric emptied the dishwasher before he left for work.  He didn't have to (okay, maybe he is his chore), but it was nice that it was done in the morning so I could fill it during the day instead of waiting to do all the dishes at night. 4. Evie and I had our first playgroup with a group of women and chi...

Resolutions: One step at a time...

I know I am a little behind on the New Year's Resolution bandwagon, 24 days behind to be exact. But, it's taken me this long to decide what my resolution would be. My life has changed considerably in the last three months.  I went from full-time ministry to part-time seasonal ministry.  I went from being super pregnant to being a mostly stay-at-home-mom. The day to day picture of my life has changed dramatically.  Every day was an adventure, full of work, prayer, meetings, coffee dates, hormonal teenagers, and happy hour with friends.  The weekends were for sleeping in and getting a weeks worth of chores and TV crammed into a weekend, that is, if I was even home for the weekend.  Most weekends were spent on retreats, celebrating weddings or baptisms, or running races. Now, my days are filled with laundry, diapers, spit up, pediatrician visits, pumping, washing bottles, pushing a stroller, and if I am lucky, a shower. I used to save all my laundry for a w...

Miscellany Monday {4}

1. A weekend ago we went to our third Ma-ma-ma Monster Jam!   Thank you Katie for capturing this awesome photo of my husband's moustache on your iPhone :) 2. Raise your hand if you're cute Oh good, Evie's got this down! 3. My Alma Mater played Xavier in basketball on Saturday.  We got ready to head to Taco Mac Prado for the Alumni game watch, but Evie was being fussy and we would have missed almost the entire first half.  Instead, Eric and I went to the new Taco Mac just down the street from us (win!) and had lunch with our crabby girl. At least she's cute, right? We had the lead the entire game, and our rivals didn't  throw punches .  It was nice to go out just the three of us. Eric and I needed a good chat, and during half time we got just that. 4. Mom, will you please stop taking pictures of me?  (Let's all take a moment to reflect on the fact that I have a child {apparently a blurry one}...what the wha...

Five Question Friday {1}

It's been a long time since I've done one of these, in fact, I am not sure I have ever posted one on this blog.  After doing so many Evie posts I thought it would be fun to have a little change of pace... 1 .  Where do you hide the reeeally good snacks? Since my child is not of the walking, or even eating solids age, I don't have to hide them.  Eric and I don't keep many snacks in the house anyway.  I do, however, keep a stash at work.  They are on my overhead cabinet.  Unless you're sitting at my desk chair they're hard to reach.  This way any raiding co-workers won't find them if they're perusing for a pen or stapler. 2. D o you keep your vehicle clean or am I the only one who has things falling out of their van? Yes, my CRV is usually a site to behold.  It's stayed a little cleaner now that I don't do drive-thru very often, but stuff still seems to accumulate in there.  It's hard enough getting a baby an...

Two Month Check Up

On Monday we took Miss Evie for her two month check up.  Our regular pediatrician was out, so we met with the other one.  She wasn't quite as great, but was still helpful with answering our handful of questions. The nurse came in and asked all the milestone questions, like how is she eating, pooping, sleeping, etc? Does she smile? Hold her head up? Respond to your voice? And then we measured and weighed her.  She is growing like a champ! Evie is now 23 inches tall (65%) and weighs 12 lbs 13 oz (86%).  She flip flopped her stats from her one month check up.  Her ratio was more long and lean before. Then we waited for the doctor. Once she arrived she checked Evie's eyes, ears, nose, mouth, legs and belly. Everything looked great!  The doctor even commented that Evie looks like a girl.  Apparently it can take a year for a baby to look like their gender.  Who knew? It was nice to talk to her about how to ween to formula, but then she cha...

Evie: Two Months

Measurements Weighs : we find out on Monday Height:  we find out on Monday Eats:  750ml-950ml a day, about 8-10 feedings total Diapers : almost graduated from Tiny Fit to regular fit cloth, we use both now. Size 1 in disposables. Clothes:  almost grown out of 0-3 month, and fits perfectly in size 3 month. (she's wearing the same shirt in both of these photos) Firsts for Evie Dec 20 - Overnight at Nana and Grandpa's house  Dec 21 - Social smile, but is still very selective with them! Dec 25 - Christmas Dec 29 - Successful nursing Jan 9-12 - Stuffy nose / watery eyes Milestones Dec 16 - Packed up Evie's Newborn clothes. Mommy got a little teary eyed. Evie and I are slowly getting the hang of nursing and do so probably once or twice every other day. Sleeps two 4-6 hour stretches at night, and is staying asleep or very relaxed when she eats during the night. Staying awake for about two hours in the morning, an hour in the ...

New Year's Eve

We'd gone to my parents house for dinner and cards, but around 10pm I hit The Wall.  The mustgotobednow Wall.  We packed little Evie up and headed home.  I literally walked in the door and climbed in bed.  Okay. That's a lie. I took these pictures first.  Eric and Evie stayed up to ring in the new year together.  Eric kissed his tiny sweet heart at midnight and tucked her in bed.  I have a feeling this will be the face of New Year's Eve for a few years to come.  You know what?  I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy New Year! Love,  

Christmas Day

We had a lovely Christmas morning at my parent's house.  Eric and I some how managed to oversleep...until 11am! thus missing cinnamon rolls and my grandfather dressed up as Santa.  I am so sad (but I loved the extra sleep!).  As tradition has it, we gathered at my parents house in our PJs, had brunch with my grandparents, and then proceeded to open gifts from Santa, my parents and grandparents.  It was great to savor what was probably our last Christmas morning with my parents and siblings.  We'll see what next year holds with all the little ones. Another lovely table. Don't you love the ornaments from the chandelier?  The calm before the storm   My dad's picture of Connor hugging Santa Zach and Connor. Precious. Oh Spike. Lost in the action, huh, buddy?  Evie had a little too much excitement and spent most of the day snuggled up with me.

Christmas Eve

Sorry this post is so late...It's taken a while to get my new computer set up just right :) Normally I am the one bursting at the seams to give and open gifts.  I am terrible with secrets.  However, this year, Eric was the one too excited for words to exchange gifts.  Rightfully so.  He gave me a really awesome and generous gift.  It it's 21.5 inches with a pretty little Apple logo.  Puts the barefoot shoes and Notre Dame pullover I gave him to shame. Anyway...because he was so excited we opened our family gifts on Christmas Eve morning.  We bought Evie two little gifts, a Notre Dame polo and a University of Dayton dress. Isn't that Erin Condren paper super adorable? (Especially since it was 50% off with free shipping!) That evening we went to my parents house for our annual Appetizers and Dessert party with all my extended family, including Eric's family. My cousin Rebecca fee...