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Showing posts from February, 2012

Minneapolis is for Lovers {President's Day Weekend}

I have a secret love affair of President's Day weekend.  It's one of those long weekends with no obligations and no celebrations that give students a day or two off from school, or employees a day or two  off from work. For many years we used the four day weekend to take the youth group up to West Virginia to go skiing.  Due to the economy, we haven't done the trip in a couple of years.  And thankfully not this year because, um, there isn't any snow. Some time last year we got word that Eric's cousin, Paul, would be getting married over President's Day weekend in Minneapolis.  At the time I was a little disappointed that we'd have a three month old and it'd be too cold to take her out and about for all the festivities.  However, with such a warm winter, we decided to brave it. We bundled up our Little B and off we went! It was a weekend of firsts for Evie:  first plane ride, first hotel stay, first time away from home for more than 24 h...

Wedding Cake Fun {A Link Up}

Even though I recently did a post on the ABCs of our wedding , I thought it would be fun to show off our wedding cake and ice cream sundae bar in a little more detail. We initially didn't even want a wedding cake, but after tasting the cakes from our reception venue we agreed to do a small one for those people who HAVE to have wedding cake, and so we could have the ceremonial cake cutting.  But, I don't even remember the flavors! That's how little I cared.   We sent the baker a copy of our wedding invitation that Ashley designed and they matched the embellishments. Our florist made a mini bouquet to be our cake topper. But then... I had seen this little cake topper in a wedding magazine but after I hunted it down, I learned it cost $80 for a 2" figurine.  No thank you. My parents, however, knew how much we loved this little guy and purchased it for us as a surprise.  It was so fun walking over to cut the cake and seeing this p...

40 Days to Wonder - 40 Days to Die to Self

I love our Catholic (and Christian) tradition of Lent.  As Matt Maher sings it's, "Forty days to wonder, forty days to die to self" Because I work for the Church my life naturally flows on a Liturgical calendar, and because I work with school aged kids, my life naturally flows on a school calendar.  This means every year instead of making New Year's resolutions as someone who thrives on a calendar year might do, I live for the spiritual rejuvenation of Lent.  And this year our county's Spring Break happens to fall during Holy Week, which means a week of true quiet and reflection! Lent snuck up on us this year - as did Thanksgiving, Christmas, MLK day and President's Day.  Such is life with a new baby, right? On Monday Eric and I got serious about discerning what to give up or do for Lent.  We talked out a bunch of ideas and then tonight discussed our plan. Last year I gave up Facebook  and found that the time away from the screen helped my schedule ...

Evie: Three Months

3 Months Measurements Weighs : probably 14 lbs (guessing) Height:  23-25 inches (guessing) Eats:  750-1050 mL a day, about 7-8 feedings a day with a bulk of them in the evening.  Diapers : One size cloth on smallest snap setting, with one brand already on a looser snap setting, Size 2 in disposables Clothes:  still in a few 3-6 months, but mostly in 6 months Firsts for Evie January 18 - Nails clipped January 22 - Slept through the night January 28 - Sacrament of Initiation ( Baptism ) Milestones Discovered she has ears and will reach for them if I touch them. Can see her hands and will focus on them. Sees the toys on her play mat. Reaches for them and talks to them. *Almost* sleeps through the night: 10pm-5am, 6am-9am Graduated out of her 4oz bottles. Usually takes 5-6oz in a feeding now. Recognizes Mom and Dad. Can follow a toy or person with her eyes. Knows her wake up and bed time ...

My Funny Valentine

We had a simple fun two-day Saint Valentine celebration. Monday we drove to Lawrenceville to visit with Rebecca and Alyshia and their sweet babies, plus a house full of moms and kids that Rebecca was so sweet to host a Valentine's party for.  I am so glad she included us! Today Evie and I hung out around the house.  We both needed a day to rest after a crazy weekend. This evening we went to church for a Mom's group couple's night.  A priest came and talked about marriage and raising kids - and how to support each other through these difficult years.  We were able to sit with two couples (and their babies) from our play group.  It's been nice to get out and meet some other young families...and where better than at church! After we got Steak and Shake milkshakes and settled in on the couch for an episode of a screaming baby How I Met Your Mother. We hope you had a nice relaxing and simple Valentine's day with your loves, who ever they may be! ...

Pagan No More {Evie's Baptism}

On January 28 we had Evie and Zachary baptized.  We were so blessed to share the day with my brother, David, his wife, Paige and his son, Zachary. David and Paige asked us to be Zachary's Godparents.  We asked my sister Katie, and Eric's long time friend, Sam (yeah, they're dating!) to be Evie's Godparents. We asked Deacon Dennis, who married David and Paige, and gave the homily at our wedding Mass, to baptize the kids.  He was super excited!  My grandparents started a tradition of buying each of the grandkids a baptismal gown for their family to have their kids baptized in.  We were touched by this gesture, however, we had an even better offer. Eric's mother wore her mother's wedding dress. Irene saved the dress all these years, hoping her daughter, Leeann would get married in it, but she chose not to.  Irene then asked us if we wanted to have Evie's Baptismal gown made out of it.  I teared up at the offer. I had he...