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Showing posts from March, 2012

{Project Simplify} Countertops & Drawers

This year for Lent I decided to put my New Year's Resolution of " One Step at a Time " into action: clean and  de-clutter one section of our apartment at a time.   My goal is to get rid of a minimum of one brown paper bag worth of trash or things to donate from each space. Week Four: Closets, Countertops, and Drawers (Oh My!) Goal:  I originally planned to tackle the WHOLE kitchen, but once we got started we realized it needed a lot more work than we bargained for.  We also got a little side tracked with rearranging the living room. I knew what needed the most attention: spice cabinet, drawers, cups/glasses and our beer glass collection. Eric pitched in a lot this week and helped, especially with the tall spaces. How I did it: Would you be surprised if I said I first took everything out of the cabinet??  Good. You're catching on. The cabinets and drawers needed a good wipe down after two years of heavy use...

What I Am Loving! {5}

Draw Something.  I get a little carried away. My Erin Condren Life Planner & Notebook.  I ordered the notebook back in October when I was just looking for a nice notebook with a calendar for my work notes.  But once I started staying home all day every day, I found myself writing and losing so many to-do lists so I bought the Life Planner when they went on sale.  I took both of them apart. Took out the used months. Rearranged a few things and now I have a jumbo hybrid Life Planner & Notebook. And a million trillion stickers.  Who doesn't love stickers? My sweet little girl and her adorable outfit. Baby Gap. Be still my heart. The Pantone Colors of the last 10 years (and green).  Although cliche in the design world, I'm sure, I LOVE these colors.  Such a fresh spring look.  I finally had the courage to do a little design work with some free programs. By no means professional, but it's been fun learning new things! ...

{Project Simplify} The Pantry

This year for Lent I decided to put my New Year's Resolution of " One Step at a Time " into action: clean and  de-clutter one section of our apartment at a time.   My goal is to get rid of a minimum of one brown paper bag worth of trash or things to donate from each space. Week Three: The Pantry Goal: We'd been in this apartment for two years at Christmas.  I recently found a jar of peanut butter and thought, "Man, we've had this for ever. I wonder when it expires"  Oddly enough, it was that day.  And then I wondered, how long had we had that peanut butter.  The answer will make you never by commercial peanut butter again (read: since before Eric and I were even engaged). If the peanut butter was that old...what else was hiding in our pantry? I would feel really guilty about the state of our pantry, but we hardly use packaged or canned foods so it's easy to forget what little we have in the there. My goal was to get rid...

Dear Google, What am I supposed to do NOW?

Dear Google, I love you. I really do.  I was an early adopter of Gmail.  My social and work life thrives because of Google Calendar.  I stay in touch with family because of Google Chat.  I even traded my beloved iPhone for an Android phone to integrate my Google life. However, you have done some really lame things over the years. For example, Google Wave.  What was that nonsense? I consider myself fairly intuitive, especially when it comes to Google products, but that was... it was.... Um. Yeah. And then there is Google+  STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.  The End. But, Why oh Why are you shutting down Picnik?  Seriously?  Worse. Mistake. Ever. I had finally perfected my image upload-edit-share work flow and now you're taking out my middle man. Yes, I said "man", because no woman would do such a crazy thing! From what I hear, you're moving the editing tools to Google+.  Even my love for Picnik won't move me over to Goog...

On The State of Me: My Life Four Month Post-Partum {MM 8}

It's been four months since I've had Evie. One hundred and thirty two days, to be exact. I remember those first few days and weeks to seem never ending.  There was no separation of day or night, just two to three hour cycles of eating and sleeping. I learned the importance of making meals for families during these critical times, and we even had an easy situation.  I thank God for the generosity of family, friends and parishioners for the great meals. After the new-baby scent wore off, and the winter holiday decorations were put away, (What? Why did I even decorate?) our life has settled into a bit of a routine but not without a series of changes from our *old* life.  Or as many people call it "B.C." or Before Children.  Here's a little up date of what life looks like these days... A total blur :) Mental and emotional state -  I am finally feeling more attached to Evie.  It's taken a while for it to sink in that she's mine.  Forever a...

Evie: Four Months

Measurements: Weight: 25 inches Length/Height: 16 lbs 8 oz Eats: 750-1100 mL in 8-9 feedings a day, most days around 950 mL Diapers: middle snap on her all-in-ones and size 2 in disposables Clothes: 6 months, a few 3-6 month dresses worn as shirts Firsts for Evie February 11 Trip to Whole Foods in the Ergo instead of carseat February 14 Valentine's Day February 17 Airplane Ride: ATL > MSP February 17 Mall of America!!! February 18 Wedding - Eric's cousin Paul February 23 First laugh - For Grandpa C. (jealous!!!) March 3 Basketball Game - Wake Forest / Georgia Tech March 3 Trip to the Varsity (I kept meaning to go get a paper hat to take a picture of Evie in it, and left before I remembered!) Milestones Sleeps through the night a few times a week. She will sit, though a little wobbly still, in my lap, or between my legs on the floor. Gnaws on her mini-Sofie the Giraffe. Plays w...