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Showing posts from May, 2012

Feast of the Visitation: A year old story of a pregnant Elizabeth

Today is the Feast of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth.  The time in Scripture where the pregnant Mary sets out to visit her also miraculously pregnant cousin, Elizabeth.  At the sight of Mary, the infant (as we later know to be John the Baptist) leaped in her womb. The readings for today's Mass include the Scripture passages where we, as Catholics, receive the prayers knowns as the Hail Mary and the Magnificat.   See for yourself!   As an Elizabeth , this story, scripture passage, and Feast Day has always held a special place in my heart.  But even more so last year... See, last summer I was at summer camp with 14 rowdy middle school kids.  I wasn't technically supposed to go on the trip, but last minuted ended up having to lead the group AND drive the 15 passager bus two hours away in the mountains. Normally, I LOVE going to Covecrest for retreats, day trips, camp, etc but I was   16 weeks pregnant and on strict ord...

A Weekend in Nashville - Part 2 - Ice cream, Half-Marathon, and Grassfed Beef

Back in April, Eric, Evie and I drove to Nashville for a long weekend with two sets of friends.   In those pre-baby days we decided to run another half marathon...but in the days leading up to our trip my sport bra didn't fit, my shoes were too small, and I had the flu.  Oh and on the drive out to Nashville, Evie pooped in the carseat.  Read all about Part 1 here . After the nutty trip through packet pick up and the race expo, we packed out little nugget back in her still-wet carseat and drove out to our friend Kathryn's house where we met up with her and Ashley. We had a great time letting Gabe and Evie play.  It was love at first sight.  What do you think? And Eric and Gabe played with buckets on their heads.  It's what the cool kids do, ya know? We took the clan of husbands and kids and went to our very first vegan restaurant (they did have one item on the menu with real dairy sour cream [thank god]...

A Weekend in Nashville - Part 1 - Boobs, Shots and a Poop-splosion

Somewhere back in my delusional pregnancy-brain I decided that I wanted to run another half-marathon .   Ashley , Kathryn and I had been talking about the half in Nashville for about a year and finally got serious about planning the trip.   We each signed up and paid for the half-marathon.  All our talking was FINALLY becoming a reality. Then I had my baby. Then I realized how difficult it is to run with 38 K lactating chest. Then I realized my size 8W running shoes were Way Too Small. Then I came down with a 10 day viral infection that kept me from even doing my 2-3 mile walks. But we paid over $100 for this race, we already had the days off work and a free place to stay.  Eric and I decided we were going to Nashville regardless. We headed out first thing on Friday morning. I spent over two hours Friday morning at my doctor's walk-in hours, waiting on a steroid shot and prescriptions for cough medicine, antibiotics, and an inhaler. ...

Miscellany Monday {9}

Last night I walked in my apartment. Took out my contacts, brushed my teeth, and literally fell in bed.  Alarm set for 8. I had to go to my parents this morning to pick up my baby girl because she fell asleep at my parents house in her party dress last night during dinner. Poor girl was so exhausted, but I cannot complain.  She was a trooper and absolute joy during our insane weekend .... Thursday night Evie and I had dinner with my parents and nephew Zachary. Friday Evie and I went shopping with my Mom and Zach. Saturday I had a Confirmation while Eric took Evie to the Farmer's Market.  We had a 4th birthday party and three graduation parties for youth group kids followed by dinner at my parent's house. Sunday we had brunch/surprise retirement party for my mom at my parent's house, followed by another graduation party (my cousin Steven's!), Mass, and then dinner with my cousin Kristin, who I haven't seen in about three year...

Evie: Six Months

Measurements: Weight: 19lbs 14oz Length/Height: 26.8 Eats: 750-950mL of breast milk / formula + 4-6 oz of pureed fruits, veggies, rice Diapers: middle snap or unsnapped on cloth, size 3 in disposables Clothes: 6-12 months (gap & old navy)  9 months (Carters, Target, & Gymboree) 12 months in any one piece sleepers Firsts for Evie April 12-15 Trip to Savannah April 16 Sick Visit - Viral infection April 26 Two Bottom Teeth! April 27-29  Trip to Nashville May 3 Swing at the Playground May 4-6 Trip to the Cabin May 5 Used a sippy cup for water May 6 Tried a Nilla Wafer Milestones Rides in the stroller without carseat Outgrew baby bath tub Rolls over from back to front (finally, we have a roller!) Eats: pears, apples, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and peas Passes toys from hand to hand Holds bottle for a few minutes Can find pacifier in crib, though she gnaws on it instead of sucks Mor...

What I'm Loving! {7}

I LOVED Celebrating Mother's Day with my sweet little family. My Dad brought me flowers! Evie made me a little card and Eric gave me a gift card for a mani/pedi! Hooray! Our Internet had been cutting in and out for sometime. We're not sure if it was the service or the hardware.  Either way, we are LOVING our new router and new service. For the same price per month we've doubled our speed! We are LOVING our Sam's Club membership.  We've more than paid for the membership in our first trip. Sam's Club brand formula is half the price for twice as much.  Evie tolerates it well, so I'm happy!  Also, brand name Zyrtec is less than Publix brand.  And my vitamins are an extra 100 count for the same price as Target. We also snagged some pork roast, a 3 pack of organic milk, and a sack of avocados.  I feel like I stole something. I am LOVING the good deal we snagged on Kelly's Closet this week.  Spend $29 and get a $21+ value diaper for free.  We...