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Showing posts from June, 2012

What Alice Forgot {A Book Review}

If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water it was jump out, but if you put a frog in water and slowly warm it up, it will cook to death.  I use this analogy with the teens in the youth group when trying to explain moral relativism. (Or, in other words, how morality is slow to move on a day to day basis, but from generation to generation there are big changes) We talk about this analogy so often that I find myself constantly wondering what it would be like to be transported to the see what the world is like and to see what would shock me.  It would be like the frog hitting that hot water, all jumpy and weird, shocked .  But we only get to live our lives one day at a time, so things wear on us over time, and change little by little, day by day. In What Alice Forgot , Alice fainted during spin class at instantly lost 10 years of memories.  She was “transformed” to her 1998 way of life: simple and newly married with a baby on the way.  But it is sti...

What I am Loving {8}

 This little nugget in her bike helmet.  And her watermelon dress.  Eric was trying to get Evie to smile and made this face for the camera.  Gold. Still no luck, but her face is priceless. Funfetti cupcakes with homemade buttercream frosting and local-farm fresh blueberries.   (And my Blogher Bookclub review book--- posting coming soon!)  Cold press coffee recipe from Ashley .   As you can see, I have nearly finished the "regular" - decaf is ready for this afternoon.  {Her version involves a lot less cheese cloth than The Pioneer Woman's  that I was loving last summer} Farmer's Market Lunch Grilled bell peppers, jalapeño pimento cheese, roma tomatoes. Evie's new Saint Genevieve doll from Saintly Silver on Etsy . She has already tried to eat it...fifteen minutes out of the package.  We got Zach a Saint Zachary doll for his birthday (but, shhh don't tell, he doesn't know yet!)...

Happy [belated] Father's Day!

Wait? Wasn't that like almost two weeks ago?  Yep.  But if you consider I posted Evie's 7 month post about 20 days late, this is ahead of the curve. This year we were blessed to celebrate Father's Day about 8 or 9 times.  Or something like that. The week before Father's Day we celebrated with Eric's family at the Dillard House in North Carolina. Evie got to spend the day with her daddy and her Grandpa Buergler, at their favorite place to eat.  Hooray!  I admire my father-in-law for his relationship with his kids.  He was often the one home to make dinner and help with homework. I am so glad that my husband has had such a great influence of a Dad who helps around the house, works hard, and still takes his kids out for movie night. On actual Father's Day we were at the cabin with my grandfather and my brothers. I am blessed beyond belief to have the generous, chivalrous grandfather that I do.  He bought me my first camera back in 3rd grade...

Evie: Seven Months

Now that she's almost 8 months....I finally got around to posting this! Measurements: Weight: according to the stand on the scale with me method, 21 lbs Length/Height: probably 27+ Eats: 24-30 oz of formula; 4-6 baby bullets (8-12 oz) of rice, oatmeal, fruits, veggies; handful of puffs or Cheerios; Baby Mum Mums Diapers: Size 3 in disposables, rise unsnapped in all her cloth diapers Clothes: 6-12 or 9 months shirts & dresses; 12 month in one piece outfits; 12-18 in any bottoms (to fit over the cloth diapers) Firsts for Evie May 8 Non-family baby sitter May 10  Sat up unassisted, but hunched over May 14 Rolled back to front (finally!) May 18 Cheerios & Puffs May 23 Sat up and reached for toys May 25 1st day in the pool May 30 First Life Teen Social / Pool Party June 4 First Swim Class June 5 Bring Your Baby Matinee Milestones  Eats: pears, apples, sweet potatoes, brown rice, yogurt, oatmeal (homemade and boxed), avocados,...

A Fake Engagement Shoot

I know, y'all are probably wondering where the heck Evie's Seven Month post is... it's written and the photos are taken.  However, I haven't finished editing or sorting the photos from the last month or so because I was having too much fun with Sam and Katie. While we were at my grandparents' cabin for the long weekend (post coming next week!), we had some decent lighting (what a treat!!!), S&K were dressed up, and we had some fun props.  I am so thankful they were fun and creative and let me use them to practice my photography.

On Becoming a Mrs...what they don't tell you!

A while back Amy asked to guest post about "Becoming a Mrs" and all the hidden secrets of newlywed life.  Having been married for almost three years I had so many great ideas, so I bounced a few off my sister who is newly engaged.  She said she would love to read "something real" about married life...something no one will really tell here it is!  A little about me, Elizabeth, and how I learned how to fight with my husband, Eric. Eric and I had a fairy tale engagement and wedding. We could see the hand of God in every detail. We met through a mutual friend, dated for about two years and then he proposed during my Holy Hour of Adoration at our church . Those months and years were flirty, romantic, and fun. Our wedding was extravagan t. An evening wedding at Saint Brigid (where Amy is getting married!). Long satin gowns, lush bouquets, and 250 guests. Eric and I exchanged our vows before 3 priests, 2 deacons, and 1 seminarian (sing with me…"and ...

From Blog Life to Real Life!

I saw this link up idea advertised on The Magnolia Pair a few days and just loved the idea of showcasing some of my must-reads and finding some new-to-me blogs! Leave me a comment if you decide to link up too! I'd love to see who YOU love to read! Enjoy :) 1. Do you have any real life blog friends? Ashley from Our Little Apartment technically qualifies, I think. Although she and I went to college together and had little baby blogs about boys, lent, and other silly things we moved 600 miles away and continue to stay connected via the blogosphere. We have the pleasure of reuniting on occasion, but if it weren’t for blogging, I don’t know how connected we would be. 2. Which blogger are you just dying to meet? Dwija from House Unseen . She bought a house of the internet and had never seen it. And now she’s raising chicken in the middle of Michigan and is due with her 5th baby any day now. I am anxiously awaiting the live-tweet of her home birth. I’m s...