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Showing posts from July, 2012

Evie: Eight Months

Measurements: Weight: My Dad and I both weighed in with her at 22lbs Length/Height: 28+ (guessing) Eats: about the same as last month Diapers: Size 3 disposables, unsnapped in all cloth Clothes: a solid 12 months in everything Firsts for Evie new foods: mangos, avocados peaches, plums, chicken, egg yolks, puffs, cheerios June 10 - New Carseat, though she can technically still fit in her old one June 12 - laughed at someone without being tickled June 13 - started experimenting with going from sitting to laying June 17 - Father's Day June 23 - first bike ride   June 29 - first sleepover with Grandma & Grandpa B (aka G. Daddy) June 30 - met the last of my cousins on my mom's side July 4 - First Fourth of July! and first Waffle House! July 6 - crawled off our bed *sad face* Milestones This girl has a pincer grasp like no other. And can self feed a variety of solids.   Puts together syllables of things, like "jajajaja"...

A Brand New Day

Some of you  know that after I had Evie I had terrible post partum depression and anxiety.  I took my medicine for the prescribed 5 months and took the sixth month to ween off of it.  As anyone who truly has depression will tell you, the medicine just helps you get back to life, not be euphoric or on a high all the time.  It certainly did it's job.  I was back to exercising, enjoying work, out and about, and focused on getting things done around the house.  I had even stopped having the horrible nightmares about epic  tragedies. The weening process was rough, and I did it the same time I stopped pumping.  I am still not sure why I did that at the same time. Talk about a horrible chemical / hormonal mess.  It was.  There were some days I was so dizzy I couldn't get out of bed. Anyway, that was three months ago.  Things were fine, or so I thought.   All of the sudden I got on the scale and I had gained about 8 pounds. ...

My First Photoshoot!

A mom in my playgroup occasionally reads my blog, or sees pictures on Facebook or something.  Her sister was looking for something a little better than point-and-shoot pictures of her two month old, her fourth boy.  Somehow they thought of me. I was both scared and excited at the opportunity. I decided to jump on the chance. Practice makes perfect, right? Baby T. was adorable, though two month olds are particularly challenging to photograph.  They aren't the scrunchy, soft, brand-new newborns, and they're not full of smiles like a four month old.  But I did my best. The mom's simple request: photos for the birth announcement, Facebook, and the baby book.  Nothing too fancy. Here are a few of my favorites. What do you think?

Miscellany Monday {11}

So, Hi. It's been a while. Like two weeks I think? I had debated about purposefully take the month of July off from blogging to I could enjoy my last month of "freedom" before my hectic Fall begins, but then thought I'd miss it too much. Yet, I have still only blogged once. In a sense, I have a lot going on.   I have a needy child right now.  She's going through an intense growth spurt, trying to crawl, and almost teething.  She needs a lot from me and I am glad I can give it to her without the stress from work. My husband's company has been on the rocks - again - and it's created a little underlying worry for him.  We will make it through, but he's been daydreaming and it's forced us to have a lot of money conversations lately. Then there is me.  I don't know what's going on with me.  I had lost 41 of the 45 pounds I gained with Evie.  Everyone swore once I went off Zoloft and stopped nursing I'd drop the last few pounds ...


Remember when my brother won Fantasy Five a few years ago?  He gave us each a little spending cash to blow on something fun.  Eric and I decided to save ours until the right adventure came our way. And it did. In the form of a buy-one-get-one-free hot air balloon rides Groupon in Asheville, North Carolina!  I have wanted to go on a balloon ride since I was little and they used to take off in our back yard. Well, the Groupon buy was really exciting until we read the fine pregnant ladies allowed.  Boo!  So we had to wait over a year to take our balloon trip, but it was worth the wait.  Eric and I were craving a long weekend get away and my in-laws were gracious to keep Evie for us. Friday night we had dinner at LAB and walked over to the drum circle. It was so nice to have a quiet dinner, with an appetizer! and drinks! and dessert! Even better, just to stroll hand in hand.  Don't get me wrong, we love our Little Bi...