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Showing posts from August, 2012

Real Talk. Lately.

It's been about six weeks since I seriously blogged. I am okay with it. I needed a break. I needed to spend time laying on the floor playing with my baby. I needed to spend time NOT reading other people's blogs and comparing myself to them. I needed to spend time building a website for our youth group. I needed to spend time preparing myself for the up coming Confirmation season. I needed to spend time supporting my husband through a systematic company staff reduction (aka he's getting laid off in November). I've also been taking care of me.  Setting a bed time and sticking to it. Sneaking in bits of cardio here and there.  Being more intentional in what and how much I eat.  Not taking naps.  Not spending the whole day surfing the internet, but reading books. I've been battling a bit of "back to Confirmation" anxiety.  Sleepless nights.  Heart palpitations. Happens every year as I get the year rolling.  New parents. New kids.  New drama...

Monthly Evie: Nine Months

Measurements: Weight: ~ 24 lbs Length/Height: ~28 inches   Eats: 3 solid meals & a snack each day:   purees, finger foods, 30-32oz forumla Diapers: no change Clothes: 12 and 12-18 months, 18 months in sleepers Firsts for Evie new foods: cottage cheese, mac & cheese, pork, whole peas, combination purees July 12 - Johnny Jump Up! July 16 - bought big kid toys July 20-21 - Full weekend at Grandma & Grandpa's August 2 - Trip to Catch Air Milestones Out grown many of her "baby" toys - took a trip to Toys R Us to get a few carefully chosen toys for Evie to play with Graduated to stage 3 purees and does really well feeding herself solids Does great in the bath tub and would play for hours if we'd let her Still not crawling but she gets around sideways, backways, reaching Super chatty, talks to her self, her toys, or us all the time Spent a day or two clicking her tongue Blows raspberries Says things like, ...