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Showing posts from October, 2012

Evie Bee

Since almost day one, Evie earned the nickname "Little B" from me, and "Little Bit" from her daddy. This has escalated into Evie having "Bee" things, like her lunch box for the sitters and her backpack for Nana's house. When Eric's sister called and offered to make Evie a Halloween costume (yes, please, I don't do Halloween) she asked what Evie wanted to "be" for Halloween (see what I did there?).  I knew instantly that Evie needed to be a Little Bee! Aunt Leeann and Grandma did an outstanding job making Evie's little costume from scratch! We had a great time "walking" around their neighborhood Fall festival.  We can't wait for next year when Evie can actually do things like the pony rides and bounce house. This year we just stuck to the swings...and tried the slide, but she's just not into sliding yet.

I'll stop the world and melt with you* {Happy 30 to me}

According to (It's the new dictionary),  The 30th birthday is special. You are now officially a mature and responsible adult who has the necessary wisdom to make important decisions in life. The 30th birthday heralds your adult status with measured indulgence.   This statement is exactly what I thought 30 to be like as I watched my friend's [much older] older siblings turned 30.  I thought they had the world figured out. Ha!  More like, at 30 I realize how little I know about the world.  I do feel like I have the "necessary wisdom to make important decisions in life"  which still, often results in a call to Mom and Dad.  Knowing when to call for help is wise , right? All sentiment aside, the actual turning of 30 was a grand celebration.  My husband and sister threw a small party for me.  They served all my favorite foods, including diet staple, grilled cheese. (HHhmmm maybe THIS is why I can't seem to lose that ...

The Real Story of How We Met The Second Time.

A little over six years ago I agreed to go to a Braves game with my friend Sarah and her then boyfriend slash boss.  She had four tickets so to fill the fourth seat she invited her friend Eric that she knew from Notre Dame who also lived in Atlanta to join us. That day was really awkward and not suitable for print. (Please join me in laughing if you know the Real Story of How We Met The First Time. Or email me if you really want to know.) Fast forward a month or two. It was now football season 2006. Since Sarah graduated from Saint Mary's at Notre Dame, she was hosting a Notre Dame game-watch party at her parents' (who, gasp, weren't home for the week) house. I knew we would be drinking and staying up late so I made arrangements to stay the night at Sarah's parents' house. As I drove up to the house I saw Sarah sitting on the front porch with someone.  I couldn't see who it was, or even if the person was male or female. As I pulled in the garage, as I wa...

Evie: 10 Months

I wrote this a month ago, but never got around to uploading the pictures, sorry for the delay! Evie turns 11 months tomorrow! Measurements: Weight: 24.5 Length/Height: ~30 inches Eats: 3 solid meals, one snack, 30oz of formula, 5+oz of water Diapers: no change Clothes: 18 months, with a few random 12 months Firsts for Evie August 17 Finally started crawling!! August 23-Sept 2 (Ireland week) Spent the week shuffling between grandparents' houses Cut her a top front tooth! (the other is on it's way!) Ice cream cone with Nana & Grandpa Sept 5 Started going to a sitter on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with a co-worker's son Milestones Evie doesn't seem to have as many fun "firsts" but she is checking off milestones like crazy!  She has finally reached the object permanence phase.  She looks for things when we ask where they are.  She knows which room we are in when we call her. New foods: scrambled eggs, toas...

30 before 30... Revisiting The List.

Well friends, it's true. I turned 30. I celebrated the much anticipated Golden Birthday. In honor of The Big Day, I am going to review the thirty things I wanted to complete before I turned 30. 30 Before 30 1.  Go on a Hot Air Balloon Ride , completed in July 2012.   I was able to soar 3,000 feet in the air over Asheville, North Carolina. Incredible. 2.  Take a Photography Class , completed May 2011.  My Dad and I took a course on how to use our DSLRs in full manual mode. 3. Lose and Keep Off 12 pounds, no progress As I started this challenge I sprained my ankle and shortly after recovering got pregnant. Battled post-partum depression...and well....I now need to lost closer to 30 pounds. Gulp. 4. Run a second half marathon, completed Feb, 2011 and April, 2012  I had to walk both due to the issues list above. I give myself full credit, I walked two half marathons!! 5. Compete in a second Iron Girl or “real” spri...

So, we're buying a house...

Eric and I have taken the plunge.  After 3-4 years of kicking butt to get out of debt (including car payments!), living on a tight budget, and saving like crazy, we did the math and it's time for us to take the next big step! We have loved apartment life, especially when we were so busy.  It was nice to lock the door and leave for 10 days without even thinking.  It was nice not to mow the lawn, trim the bushes, or worry about maintenance.  All we had to do was clean.  I am seriously going to miss this "easy" living. But, after patiently saving and waiting, we're excited to have some growing room. Our current situation is starting to feel like we're living in an IKEA ad. (though I know Rosemary in New York would probably kill for our sized apartment) Don't get me wrong, we could very easily stay here.  It's comfortable and very do-able, we're just excited that we can spread out a little bit. It's not just the space we're excited abou...

Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Because I work on Sundays, I take a day during the normal work week "off".  I don't answer emails, I don't take phone calls, and I don't go into the office. Because Eric is working from home until November, we've have taken advantage of our unusual weekday family time. Last Tuesday we woke up to a beautiful day.  Low 80s and not a cloud in the sky.  I craved the outdoors. I randomly said, "Let's go to the Botanical Gardens".  I've never been there.  And it's practically Fall.  I figured there wouldn't be much to see, but we decided to go anyway. Thank you to the almighty Internet, I found 2-for-1 tickets, and children under 2 are free.  Sweet. Eric and I packed up Evie and we were out the door, in the car, and headed to downtown Atlanta.  Yes, our botanical gardens are in the middle of the city. Despite being surrounded by skyscrapers and traffic jams, this little verdure haven had a terrific display of fall flowers, ...