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Evie: Eighteen Months

Weight: 29-30 lbs (97%)
Length/Height: 33.5 inches (92%)
She's back down on to the charts for height and weight!
Eats: 3 full meals, 1-2 snacks, 12-18oz cow's milk, 10-15oz of water, almost grain-free
Diapers: Size 5, she's outgrown her Rump-a-Rooz brand cloth, but continues to fit in all the rest, having a hard time finding a reusable swim diaper big enough
Clothes: wearing a few 24mos in generous fit bottoms, mostly 2T but buying 3T (and even a few 4Ts in smaller fit)
Sleep: 8pm bed, 6:30-8am wake, one nap 1.5-3hrs long


Evie was the flower girl in her aunt Katie / my sister's wedding. This included her first dress fitting and first bridal luncheon.  

In March, Evie had her first hair cut! She did great and looks like such a big girl with her bobbed hair.  

She's really loving interacting with folks.  She regularly gets the family sitting behind us at Mass to laugh at her. And then she laughs at them--- kind of a funny, fake laugh.

Evie can recognize and name people in photographs.  One time she even said, "Evie" but we haven't been able to get her to say it since.

Opens turn nob doors, and closes them. Both on command too!

Will choose a snack from the pantry and bring it to me 

Can finally / safely climb down the stairs

Can climb up on the couch! Or up in to short chairs.  Continues to safely climb down off the bed, couch or chairs.  She doesn't have much interested in general climbing unless she knows it's allowed, like she will climb in her tree house but not on the picnic table. (Whew!)

Is starting to put two-word phrases together, like "Mommy Home" "Nana cookie"

Points to things and "talks" about them.  Follows my finger when I point to something.

Starting to interact with the iPad other than pushing the Home button. Today she FaceTimed Nana...but I'm not sure she knew that's what she was doing.

Recognizes babies and points to them

When I say the word "hot" she softly blows on her food (or in the direction of whatever I tell her is hot, like the oven or the pan)

Recognizes trash and puts it in the trash can, or will happily do it if I ask

Copies things that I do, for example, she will pick up my cell phone say "hello" have a conversation and then say "bye" before she hangs up.  All of this pretend.

She gets confused between talking on speaker phone and Face Time.  She LOVES to talk to Daddy on Google Hangout.  She will point to the computer and ask for Daddy when she wants to call him.

Responds to me telling her NO! And sometimes this leads to a meltdown.

New Words:
"boobies" (blueberries)
"hap-ple" (apple)
"man-ah" usually said with her tongue sticking out at the ah part (banana)
"moore" (more)
"nack" (snack)
"mooth-kies" (smoothies)
"dawg" (dog)
"Dusssty" (Dusty)
"cook-ie" (cookie)
"Bue's Cue's" (Blue's Clues)
"Beths" (Beth)
"hi-pad" (iPad)
"backpah" (backpack)
"G. Dah" (G. Daddy)
"Nuckle Ma" (Uncle Sam)
"Tiki" (Aunt Katie)
"Zach-A-REE" (Zachary)
"aawwww man" (Aww man)
"ah-men" (Amen)

playing "hou-side" (outside)
wearing her  "soc-ks" "shooz" and "a bowwwww" (socks, shoes, hair bow)
drinking "mooth-ies" (Smoothies)
watching "Boos Kues" (Blue's Clues)

having her diaper or clothes changed
when she doesn't get what she wants
being good during the second half of Mass (okay, maybe I added this)
a second nap

Fun things:
Evie signs a few things, mostly just "more" and "all done" but now that she is speaking pretty clearly, she's starting to abandon the sign language

She's really good with dogs.  She talks about Zoey, Dusty and Spike All. The Time.

She's incredible at jumping. She loves to jump on the trampoline at the sitters.

She's super eager to start riding her balance bike. Eric takes her out every week or so to see if her legs are long enough yet. In the meantime, her Cozy Coupe and princess car work great!

Evie is super affectionate and sensitive. She loves to hug, give kisses, blow kisses, snuggle, and sit in my lap.

She spends so much time playing with 3 and 4 year old boys that she's picked up on making little noises like they do --- lasers, flying, trains, everything has a little noise.

She went poopy in the potty twice, but has been a little frustrated with it so I put the potty seat away until she's ready to try again.

Not fun things:
Evie is great at singing songs - she can sing Ave and the Blue's Clues theme song.  Both involve her wiggling her butt as she sings.  She is trying so hard to say "Blue Skadoo We Can Too"  I can't even begin to type out an attempt.

Evie continues to have trouble pooping. It seems to happen when she strays from her grain-free diet or is off her routine for 2+ days. They often go hand in hand.

I discovered she has a lip-tie (I've known it was there since birth, I just didn't know it was a thing). Which I also learned is partially why we were not successful at breastfeeding.  We are going to wait until she's two to discuss options with her doctor or dentist. 

Little Bee has developed her toddler sassy pants.  This includes random tandrums, hitting, spitting, and being defiant. Hooray!

She's down to one nap a day. Maybe once a week she'll nap twice. She usually goes down for 1.5-3 hours. I love the long break! But it's meant bedtime is earlier which means morning comes earlier. Not cool. Not cool.

Watch Evie Grow:  Fifteen Months | Twelve Months | All Monthly Updates


  1. So I am not sure if I had lip-tie persay, but when I was 16 or 18 (can't remember), I had gum surgery to remove that part for a number of reasons. I don't miss it! Not to mention my smile got better. :-)

  2. So good to hear! We've been doing lots of reading about it, and it seems like even though it's not considered necessary that we want to have it done cosmetically and to help set her up for over all good oral health. Did your parents say why they waited, or did they just not know?


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