Weight: ~30-31 lbs
Length/Height: ~34 inches
Eats: 3 full meals, 1-2 snacks, 12oz cow's milk, 10-15oz of water, almost grain-free
Diapers: Size 5, but I should be buying size 6 for nighttimes for the extra absorbancy
Clothes: A few larger 2Ts, mostly 3Ts and some smaller 4Ts
Sleep: 8pm bed, 6:30-8:30am wake, one nap 1.5-2hrs long. Her afternoon nap is cutting down, but she's picking up a little extra at night
We think she is in the middle of a growth spurt. She's been napping extra long and eating quite a bit this week!
All four canine teeth came in at the same time. The tops a few days a head of the bottoms, but quickly and painlessly.
Eating new, tricky foods on occasion: baby carrots, peanuts, and popcorn.
First attempt at escaping the crib.
Her speech is getting clearer, and her vocabulary is growing faster than I can keep up with. She makes a lot of words plural though, like "waters" "bottles" "hairs" though I am hearing this less and less.
She knows all her body parts, dozen of animals + noises, basic clothing, variety of foods and all her family (including who is related to whom).
Eric is teaching her to sight read. She can read "mommy" "daddy" "hair" "foot" and "nose" She can also recognize logos for Moe's and Starbucks (or Mommy Coffee as she calls it)
Evie can put together small phrases, "Thank you, mommy" "Delany. Fall Down. Bump. Head. Hurts" or my favorite when I'm done blow drying my hair, "Mommy. Hairs. All done."
She practices her new vocabulary repetitiously, sometimes tweaking the pronunciation.
She is also working on possessives, "Mommy's flip flops" "Re-bie's nose"
After the first few successful poops in the potty, Evie became terrified of the toilet. So we stopped using it. I'm sure she'll be ready soon. I am hoping to work with her after Christmas, if not before.
She is finally starting to run and be a little more sure on her feet, though I'm starting to notice her run as a little pigeon toed, which I hear is normal for this age.
Hair bows and/or ponies
Video chatting
Playing with cousins "Connors" "Zeck-a-Ree" and "Yook" (Luke)
Going to church to see "JEEEeez-zus"
Picking out her own outfits
When mommy or daddy says NO
Not getting her way
Telling her that her screen time is up for the day
Fun Things:
Evie LOVES to watch "tee-tee" (TV) especially "Monkey George" (Curious George) and "Mick-a-Mouse" or "Road-e Rally" (Mickey Mouse Road Rally). She loves her Mickey Mouse Road Rally iPad app, among others as well.
She's gained more confidence the last few weeks. She's started jumping on the furniture, climbing things, etc. Stuff most boy-mom's have been dealing with for months now.
She's getting more social. She's very outgoing with family, but she's finally starting to warm up with strangers. She thinks she's on a parade when I take her to the grocery -- waving and saying HI to everyone that walks by.
Evie continues to be a little observer. She watches new things with keen interest and curiosity as to how they work.
Evie loves her grandparents, and aunts and uncles like crazy. She especially loves her G. Daddy and cousins. She talks about them all the time.
We finished with her babysitting co-op this spring. We were sad to say goodbye to a great nanny and great friends. We had a youth group alum watch her during July, and a new nanny starting for the rest of August. Then she's off to a MMO/prek 2 program for the school year (I'll explain more later).
Evie is doing GREAT with her fork and spoon skills. She now insists on eating off a plate with a fork. She can even drink from bottled water without help.
Not-so-fun Things:
Once she cut out the second nap (third bottle) a day, and I added a daily serving of prunes her constipation issues have stayed at bay.
Evie has started to experience Night Terrors. If you don't know, as I didn't, they're a nightmare that the kid has and they stay semi-asleep while having a tantrum. There is nothing you can do about it. In fact, it's only worse if you try to comfort them. She's had had 1 in Nashville, 1 at the cabin and 2 at home.
With her new found love of running, Evie has been tripping quite a bit. Poor thing has constant skinned knees! (a friend who is a PNP is going to check her ears and vision just to rule out anything serious!)
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