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Showing posts from October, 2013

Fall Break in Highlands

Two weekends ago I had Sunday off from work, and Evie had Monday and Tuesday off from school.  We had a super busy Saturday and Sunday morning with two photo shoots and baby shower.  Once those were done I packed up Evie and we headed up to Highlands to visit my grandparents. I hadn't been up for the Fall leaf change since high school (thank you weekend work schedule), so I was ecstatic!  Besides I needed some serious R&R -- fighting a virus, work stress, and growing a human. We made great time driving up, so Evie and I stopped to watch the sun set.  My only regret? Not digging my real camera out of the trunk. Phone photos don't do it justice! We had a fabulous time sitting by the fire, playing games, and just visiting with my grandparents.  On Monday we went to town for an ice cream treat. And Evie got to go to the Toy Store with Nannie to pick out a birthday gift.  She picked out a mini broom and dust pan.  She carri...

Bump Watch - Week 15

How far along? 15w1d  How big is baby? Measuring 4 inches crown to rump.  That's bigger than my palm and smaller than Eric's. Or according to the baby apps, it's the size of an apple Total weight gain? I gained 2 pound these two weeks putting me at -0.5 for net weight loss/gain this pregnancy. By this point with Evie I'd gained 10-12 pounds. Maternity clothes? Mostly. They just look better, at least the fitted shirts do. The more flowy shirts still look ridiculous. I have a few pairs of jeans I can still wear with a hair-tie and belly band. Stretch marks? Nothing new, whew! Belly button? It looks so goofy.  And way earlier this pregnancy  Exercise : I've been slacking the last week or so with it being so cold, but still trying to get in a few walks during the week Sleep : Most nights have been really good now that I've laid off the caffeine  However, I've still had a few nights where I wake up around 3 and am up for about 1-2 hours tr...

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch

A couple weekends ago we found ourselves with an empty Saturday.  Seriously, this never happens.  I've been wanting to go to a corn maze (without middle school kids on a youth group trip, that is) and do the quintessential Fall outing since Evie was old enough this year. Our friends Greg and Alyshia were already planning a trip to Jaemor Farms the same day, so we decided to meet up with them! Evie calls their kids Geg (Greg) and A-ree-a (Maria), or if she's in a hurry, "Margarita" It was game day in the Fall, and we did as any good Southern family does - dress it coordinating game-day attire. Evie was a bit apprehensive at first about the uneven terrain, but quickly got the hang of the corn maze. Keeping up with Greg was tough work and Evie needed a little shoulder ride from Daddy. But she made it across the finish line! We had bought the family-fun day ticket package, or something like that, so we had access to the Farm Slid...

Bump Watch - Week 13

It's that time!  Last pregnancy I did the updates every week until part way through the second trimester and then every two weeks. I am just going to start with every two weeks unless something super exciting happens! How far along?  13.5 weeks How big is baby? 2.5-3 inches, about the size of a tangerine or peach Total weight gain? Down about 2 pounds. I'd been down 4 but I gained two this last week. Must be the cheesecake and nachos I've been eating. Maternity clothes? I could still squeeze in my regular "fat" jeans, but they just not that comfortable by the end of the work day. I wear leggings as pants at home, but maternity jeans out and about. Stretch marks? nothing new this pregnancy Belly button? it feels like it's stretching thin Exercise :  trying to go for a few walks a week, even if it's just around the block. I'm hoping to start a prenatal yoga class in December Sleep :  Insomnia is a beast.  So are middle of the nigh...

So, I'm Pregnant Again....

I went to write down some critical dates for this post and realized that this poor child is already getting second-child syndrome. Which, of course, I swore I wouldn't get. Sorry, little one. I knew I was pregnant even before I could take a pregnancy test. I was already battling insomnia, which has been my main symptom this pregnancy.  I stalked the internet to figure out which pregnancy tests were the most accurate the earliest and bought a few of them. As soon as I could take them I did, and they were positive and more positive each day. Whoohoo! (One week of these tripod pictures and cute memories written on top. Nope. You're getting bathroom pictures again! I'm not even sorry) Is it bad that I don't even remember how I told Eric about this pregnancy?  It must have been nonchalant because I know my heart wasn't ready to be super excited after our miscarriage back in the spring. The first few weeks were normal pregnancy things: loss ...

Happy 4th Anniversary!

This year has been a true test, but I know more than ever God has the perfect man by my side.   Eric had surgery just days after my busiest work month of the year. We also closed on our first house and moved in while he was on post surgery bed rest  and a toddler with a 103 fever. We celebrated my sister's wedding the day after we found out I was pregnant with baby Albert. But we lost our sweet baby, and clung to each other for dear life.  We traveled to NYC as this year's destination of choice for our annual vacation.  It was nice to spend a few nights/days just the two of us (and Rosemary!). We welcomed Eric's first nephew into the world, and said good-bye to both of his Uncle Jims. And we're more than thrilled to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary with another baby on the way . It's been a roller coaster year, and I couldn't imagine anyone but this guy standing by my side through it all.  Thank you for loving...

So excited to announce....

Just hit the twelve week mark today.  After our loss this spring, I'm finally breathing a little easier with this pregnancy.   Pregnancy updates and pictures coming soon :)

Taking a Sabbath

Friday is my sabbath in a sense. Every other day of the week is go-go-go, including Sundays because I work for the Church.  I am a part-time employee so I take Tuesday and Friday off.  Tuesdays are full of doctors appointments or play group or play dates. But Friday, Friday is my sacred day.   No alarm clock. No agenda. Evie and I get to sleep in and do whatever we want. I make sure the day is about us and taking it slow. Today I woke up at 6:00, 30 minutes before I usually do during the week (why God, why?) but I laid in bed reading until 8:00am.  Evie had no sign of waking (okay, thank you God!).  She was exhausted from a busy week of school. I dragged myself out of bed, threw on some workout clothes and put my hair in a pony tail + headband for a dead sexy look. What to do today? I decided that Evie and I both needed some fresh air and Vitamin D straight from the source.  A nice long walk it would be. A co-worker gave me a $31 gi...

On turning 31

Twenty eight and thirty one.  Those are the years that stand out to me as "older sister years".  As in, everyone's older sister is 28 or 31. Until I turned 28. And now 31. I feel like all my career idols were this age, and now I'm that age and I certainly don't feel as though I should be idolized! Ha! In fact, I think this year I am more aware than ever that I know very little and I am greatly in need of fine tuning in all areas of my life. I am learning to be okay with asking for help.  And to confident in dishing out a little advice now and again. There are many days when I feel like I've accomplished little to nothing in life, but then I realize it's only because I have had more-or-less the same career for 9 years and there is no room for advancement at my current place of employment. But when I look at other areas of my life, I am so proud of the choices I've made and things I've learned (many, the hard way)!  I'm married to an ...