How far along? 15w1d
How big is baby? Measuring 4 inches crown to rump. That's bigger than my palm and smaller than Eric's. Or according to the baby apps, it's the size of an apple
Total weight gain? I gained 2 pound these two weeks putting me at -0.5 for net weight loss/gain this pregnancy. By this point with Evie I'd gained 10-12 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Mostly. They just look better, at least the fitted shirts do. The more flowy shirts still look ridiculous. I have a few pairs of jeans I can still wear with a hair-tie and belly band.
Stretch marks? Nothing new, whew!
Belly button? It looks so goofy. And way earlier this pregnancy
Exercise: I've been slacking the last week or so with it being so cold, but still trying to get in a few walks during the week
Sleep: Most nights have been really good now that I've laid off the caffeine However, I've still had a few nights where I wake up around 3 and am up for about 1-2 hours trying to get comfortable
Movement: YES! Friday night I felt a big kick. Well big for an almost 15 week fetus, but I felt it nonetheless. I've had little bumps every day since. So excited for more!
Food cravings: Nothing really strong or strange, but I've been wanting sour cream (when appropriate) more than usual. And I've wanted a glass of cold milk most nights.
Food aversions: Foods that are super salty, like fast food, chips, etc. As soon as I think about it I get a little queasy.
What I miss: Wearing belts with my jeans that still "fit"
What I am looking forward to: Oh my gosh, I cannot wait to have a new baby in footie pajamas to snuggle with. A few more weeks until we find out the sex of the baby. Can. Not. Wait! Also, looking forward to picking out a girls name, if need be. We have a boys name that we both LOVE!
Milestones: Second trimester, baby! Felt the baby kick. Heard the heart beat on an at-home doppler. And Eric heard baby's heart beat for the first time.
Say What? Getting asked if we'll find out the sex of the baby this time. And same with Evie, mixed opinions/reactions. I know it's fun both ways, and we're confident in our decision.
Sweet moments: Having Eric and Evie listen to the doppler. I LOVED seeing Eric's face the first time.
Evie also likes to say, "Hi" to the baby. She picks up my shirt, sometimes kisses my belly, and then puts her finger in my belly button and says, "tickle tickle tickle". She doesn't really understand that there is a baby in there thought.
Make room for baby: We finally got the guest room cleaned out. Which means our room is now full of crap we need to finish organizing. I need to paint the room, but I've been reading about how dangerous it is to paint walls in a not well ventilated area. I need to borrow a big fan from my parents and maybe just do a wall at a time.
Oh, and THIS:
I've been super hungry. It was like boom - second trimester - FEED ME! I had a huge plate of Moe's nachos and an hour later I was starving.
I've cut back on caffeine and it's really helped my anxiety and blood pressure, which were the goals. I talked to my midwife and spiritual director about medication for anxiety and we all agreed to keep trying natural methods to prevent and reduce it, so far, so good.
MY FACE. So many zits.
Compared to Evie: Feeling healthier, less bloated, less weight gain, fewer sinus issues. Basically, a low grain, low sugar, low sodium diet does a body good! Read my pregnancy with Evie weeks 15,16,17 here
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