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So, I'm Pregnant Again....

I went to write down some critical dates for this post and realized that this poor child is already getting second-child syndrome. Which, of course, I swore I wouldn't get. Sorry, little one.

I knew I was pregnant even before I could take a pregnancy test. I was already battling insomnia, which has been my main symptom this pregnancy.  I stalked the internet to figure out which pregnancy tests were the most accurate the earliest and bought a few of them. As soon as I could take them I did, and they were positive and more positive each day. Whoohoo!

(One week of these tripod pictures and cute memories written on top. Nope. You're getting bathroom pictures again! I'm not even sorry)

Is it bad that I don't even remember how I told Eric about this pregnancy?  It must have been nonchalant because I know my heart wasn't ready to be super excited after our miscarriage back in the spring.

The first few weeks were normal pregnancy things: loss of appetite, random sudden food aversions, insomnia, sore breasts, etc.

I called the midwife almost immediately for my first visit. I was hoping to do the full blood work so they could track my hormones, but I did nothing more than step on a scale, pee in a cup and talk to the midwife and nurse practitioner. 

I had very little questions for them since I'd just been in a few months before for the same visit.  They said everything looked normal and not to be afraid to call. They know how hard (emotionally) it is to be pregnant after a miscarriage and my emotional and mental wellbeing is a priority for them.

Before I left I scheduled an 8 week dating ultrasound.

It must have been 10 years before that ultrasound came around. We'd lost the previous baby at 8.5 weeks, just days before the dating ultrasound. So in a sense I felt jinxed and overly anxious.  But the baby looks great and measured exactly as to when I calculated.

 Telling the Family

After the ultrasound came back healthy and I heard that sweet little heartbeat we decided to tell our family!

We emailed a picture of the ultrasound to my parents with the caption "We need another Easter Basket this year"

We told my siblings by texting them a picture of my new purse that I got for my birthday, and then a picture of the ultra sound with the caption "Look what I got Eric for his!"

We told Eric's parents over dinner in the middle of conversation over transitioning Evie out of her highchair -- Eric pipped up "Because we need it for the new baby"

And he told his sister over the phone with a simple call.
How Is The Pregnancy Going?

So far so good!  Honestly, I can't complain.  And somedays I forget I'm pregnant -- and then five seconds later I find myself gagging over something, mostly bathroom smells or the dirty dishwasher. I've had occasional food aversions, and no major cravings.  Mild acne. That's about it!

My only two major complains so far have been really sore breasts and insomnia about every other night.  And my tailbone are is starting to ache.  The chiropractor said my hips are relaxing just as they should be.

How are things different that with Evie?

I'm not as tired as I was with Evie.  While I was working two jobs while pregnant with her, this time I have one job and a two year old. You'd still think this time would be worse.  No leg cramps.  I think those are the only comparable symptoms as this point in the pregnancy.

I've also not had nearly the spotting like I did with Evie. Thank you, God!  I also don't have that super strong pregnancy nose that I had with both Evie and my second pregnancy.

At this point with Evie I had gained 4 pounds. This pregnancy, I've lost 4. What?

What, if anything, are you doing a differently this pregnancy: ?
  • taking a specific regimen of vitamins instead of prenatal vitamins: Bs, folate, D3 and topical magnesium 
  • eating little to no processed foods, no soda and sweets only as a true treat, doing 80/20 with grains (all of this is consistent with the life style changes we made as a family this year)
  • walking 2-4 times a week
  • taking care of myself a little better early on, like accepting help and making sure I rest every day
  • keeping a close watch on my weight, blood pressure, anxiety and depression

What, if anything, are you going to do differently with this baby?
  • I already know I will try to baby wear more in those early months. I'm looking at getting a ring sling made, or a Moby wrap
  • Work much harder at breastfeeding; exclusive pumping and chasing a two year old aren't my idea of fun
  • Aim for a sleep / feed schedule a little earlier than 4 months, even if it just means a fixed bed time, but obviously not get crazy about it.
  • I'm sure we'll revisit this as we get closer to the due date and Evie is a few months older. So much can happen and change in our lives!!


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