How far along? 19 weeks today, baby!
How big is baby?
Total weight gain? 3 whole pounds. This puts me right on the line on the low end of the weight gain range for my BMI.
Maternity clothes? You betcha. Gap had a 60%+20% off + free shipping sale yesterday. I bought a casual dress, a workout top, and a sweater. I also went to the Pea in the Pod outlet and got some fabulous $50 leggings for like $8, and a tshirt dress.
I know some people take pride in buying little to no maternity clothes, but I love it. I feel like a house by about week 10 and as much as I love the smuggled basketball look under a tshirt, I just feel prettier in well fitting maternity clothes.
Stretch marks? Nothing new! I just got Honest Company's new Belly Balm for the dry winter months. It smells so delicious and it's easier to use than pure cocoa butter.
Belly button? It looks like a Creature from the Black Lagoon
Exercise Looking forward to starting Jazzercise again after Thanksgiving. There is a center right behind Evie's preschool with a class right after her drop off. I love Jazzercise AND there was a 10 class Groupon I bought recently. SO EXCITED!
Sleep It's been really hit or miss. Either I sleep 8-10 hours, or like 5. I am either perfectly comfortable, or hungry-tired-achy-hot-cold-have-to-pee. I was taking 15-60 minute naps each day, but I think those will start to fade as I'm not going to be as exhausted with work.
Movement Every once in a while I get a big old jab, but nothing consistent.
Food cravings Cold milk and soup are the two most regularly ones (not together, ew). Occasionally ice cream, or a second dollop of sour cream. Red grapes. Crispy designer-red apples. Sometimes PIZZA!
Food aversions Still not wanting much pork other than bacon. And I have to be in the right mood for beef or fried foods. And while I don't have the strong smell sensitivity/aversion to seafood like I did with Evie, it still doesn't taste normal to me this pregnancy.
What I miss Honestly, I really have nothing to complain about this pregnancy. I am so thankful for it and really enjoying it this time around. Okay, maybe I miss not getting that super uncomfortable feeling after sitting too long, like on car trips.
What I am looking forward to The anatomy scan on Wednesday. Like beyond giddy. And I'm super excited for how we're going to do the gender reveal. Keep an eye out. I'll post it here and on Facebook on December 6.
Milestones Well, Eric noticed last night that my belly sticks out further than my boobs now. So that's a milestone, right? Speaking of boobs, had to move up to some old bras. They don't really fit well, but the new ones I bought just before I got pregnant were too snug.
Say What? Nothing really obscure, just a few more serious comments about me having twins. Let's be honest though, I live in an area of super thin women, so when some one of a more shapely size is pregnant, OBVIOUSLY they're having twins. Eye roll.
Sweet moments Lots of parishioners just now finding out I'm pregnant. (Glad to know not everyone at our church stalks me on Facebook 24/7) So it's fun celebrating with them!
Had a conversation with a lady at church who has 10 kids (If you're Catholic and you know it clap your hands). Her oldest is my sister's age, and then youngest is Evie's age. She told me how she likes to picture the babies in the womb floating as if they're on a pool float or doing backstroke, and their kicks are really a flip turn to do another lap. Haha!
Make room for baby Nothing really new. Been stalking the internet for a few new/used cloth diapers, but that's it. I have a small wish list of things but we'll probably wait until Spring for some garage sales and consignment shopping.
Oh, and THIS: Had some cramps this week. Not period or labor type cramps, but like growing pain type cramps all along my sides, back and belly. I wasn't drinking enough water, and I was also on my feet a lot. I was thankful for my co-workers who reminded me to take breaks, drink water, and to put my feet up
Compared to Evie: A lot less weight gain, like 12-13 pounds LESS...though I feel like the bump is a little more pronounced. Maybe it's related to less weight gain, or maybe it's that I'm more proactive with ice, epsom baths, or stretching, but I don't have nearly the chronic back or hip pain. I've also only had 1 bad and 2 small leg cramps compared to severe ones almost every night. Magnesium oil + bananas are really doing the trick!
Read Evie's 19 Week Update Here (yes, I am wearing legging as pants in this update)
Yay! Gender reveal! Can't wait to see. We have our scan next Thursday. We want to do a fun reveal, but our Family doesn't want to wait.