I am writing this on Thursday to link up on Friday. I'm so behind on blogging I'm actually ahead. Or something like that.
Tomorrow we embark on our largest Confirmation retreat to date. We have 209 candidates on retreat out of a class of 219. Not a bad ratio AT ALL. We have 35 group leaders, a full band, 3 staff members, a nurse, and some clergy going with us. I'm so overwhelmed, but I'm actually caught up on preparations (this NEVER HAPPENS) that I'm actually at peace....except....
Satan has been attacking. Usually, it's that I binge eat or engage in other indulgent behaviors that result in me being super grumpy and moody. Today I am feeling super down because our little baby Albert was due a month from today, which means in the original plan I shouldn't have been going on the retreat this year. It's giving me feelings of doubt as to why I need to be there this weekend, but Satan is also making me fearful that something AWFUL is going to happen in the next few days.
On a more uplifting note, we find out the sex of this baby in a few short weeks. Some friends who are due around me in April are already finding out, but I scheduled our appointment out a few weeks because I needed something fun to get me through the stressful weeks of work.
Evie turns two tomorrow! I cannot even believe it. And I'm not going to say any more because, well, I'll start bawling. Eric took the day off because of the retreat, but also so we can have a family morning together to celebrate her big day!
I had some birthday money left over from my in-laws and just didn't know what to do with it (whoa is me, right?) with Christmas right around the corner, so I decided to order our 2012 photo book and our New York trip photo book. I made them in Blurb/Lightroom months ago but didn't have the money to actually print them. It happened to be the last day of the 25% off sale, so I have enough money leftover to upgrade to Lightroom 5 (when I finally get around to it!) too. The books came yesterday and I couldn't be more thrilled. They're professional coffee table book quality. It feels so fancy to see them in print! I feel super spoiled!
We have so many fun things to blog. I can't wait for this retreat weekend to be over so I can share about Halloween, Evie's 2nd birthday update, my 17 week bumpdate, 2 photo shoots, as well as other fun fall happenings. Seriously, I have missed blogging and reading blogs. Y'all are like another family :)
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