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Showing posts from December, 2013

2013: Y'all Call it a Moment, I Call it Life

Despite the miscarriage and losing two of Eric's uncles this year, 2013 proved to be very fruitful. We settled into the house and loved watching Evie transition from baby to toddler to terrible twos!  We're looking forward to many new memories next year, including welcoming our sweet girl in April! We started the new year settling into our new house. Evie learned to walk.  Eric and Elizabeth made a commitment to explore the Primal Lifestyle and it changed our family's eating habits for good. We hosted a couple's wedding shower for Sam and Katie .  Eric and Elizabeth both started going to Spiritual Direction, another lifestyle change for the better .  Notre Dame lost to Alabama in the BCS Championship, but we still had fun at the party we hosted.  Eric finished the month by going on the Life Teen Winter Retreat. February was quiet, as it usually is.  Elizabeth went to Savannah for Katie's Bachelorette party weekend.  Evie broke...

Christmas with the Corsettis: Two Days of Fun!

When I tell people that Corsetti Family Christmas season comes with a color coded agenda, I'm not kidding!  It's a lot to swallow when you first look at the two page email from my mom, but once you get going it's a lot of fun.  And really, what else is the season about?  Baby Jesus, family, sharing, and celebrating.  And eating lot of sugary treats (amiright?) After we had Christmas morning at our house, Eric, Evie and I went to my parents for Christmas morning Brunch....and more presents!! Nana and Grandpa finished out goodies for Evie's new room - they bought her a fancy pillow, matching jammies and a dolly that all coordinate with her room.  Even Eric is excited to see her room all finished with all these great details! Eric got some much wanted books for Gardening in Georgia...look out world! And I got some new jewelry.  My parents gave us a deep freezer this year as our REALLY big gift!! My Mom gave my Dad Lightroom 5.  Can'...

Christmas Morning 2013

I wish I had the courage to post one giant Christmas post, but I love remembering the details and recalling the precious photos of family!  The historian in me neeeeeds a half dozen Christmas posts! Christmas morning Evie slept in.  We were SO thankful.  I had ventured downstairs to start breakfast in hopes that I could get it all made before she came downstairs.  I really wanted to eat and do prayer time before she saw the gifts.  But, with two year olds, there is always a plan B and C, and let's be honest, D. I was about halfway through the cinnamon rolls when Little Bit woke up.  Eric and I went in to get her and she was SO EXCITED for presents.  We decide there was no way she was going to wait another 30 minutes for breakfast, so we jumped ahead to gifts. We took our time opening the gifts, and made her wait a turn while Eric and I opened ours.  She was really in to it. She still doesn't get the whole Santa "thing" but she sure loves ...

Christmas Eve

In year's past my parents hosted an open house Christmas appetizer dinner party.  All the extended family, and in-laws and their families were invited some years reaching 40+ people.  It was an all hands on deck affair. Everyone contributing to making appetizers, keeping the food warm, and the wine flowing. The problem, was that we were all exhausted, grumpy and a little tipsy by Christmas Eve Mass time. This year my parents kept it quiet.  It was just our immediate family and Eric's parents.  We had a delicious grits and mushroom stuff turkey, and other yummy fixings.  Evie and Connor were precious all dressed up at the kids table. Connor insisted that they say their prayers before eating, so he led them in the sign of the cross and blessing.  How sweet is that? And for our night cap we enjoyed flourless chocolate cake and coffee. It was off to Mass, entirely sober (at least, I can speak for myself! haha), and then home to play San...

Sander Family Christmas - When Evie Wore my Christmas Dress!

My maternal grandparents, and two of my mom's three siblings live in Atlanta.  We celebrate Christmas with them on the Saturday before Christmas, whenever that happens to fall.  It was nice this year that it was few days before Christmas Eve and Christmas. Gave us all a little breather between festivities :) There are so many aspects of this night that are special traditions. But I wanted to add a little element of surprise. A few weeks ago my mom was cleaning out the storage area of their house and stumbled upon my Christmas dress from when I was two years old.  I was a late September baby and Evie an early November, and built the same.  There was a good chance the dress would fit Evie... and it DID! My parents and me - please note my mom is also 5 months pregnant in this photo!  Eric, Evie and me   Side-by-side with my Mini-Me - we both have the same nervous hands! My mom and grandmother loved the surprise of having Evie dre...