The problem, was that we were all exhausted, grumpy and a little tipsy by Christmas Eve Mass time.
This year my parents kept it quiet. It was just our immediate family and Eric's parents. We had a delicious grits and mushroom stuff turkey, and other yummy fixings.
Evie and Connor were precious all dressed up at the kids table. Connor insisted that they say their prayers before eating, so he led them in the sign of the cross and blessing. How sweet is that?
And for our night cap we enjoyed flourless chocolate cake and coffee.
It was off to Mass, entirely sober (at least, I can speak for myself! haha), and then home to play Santa.
My inlaws were gracious to take Evie home from dinner to our house. They helped her put out her cookies and milk for Santa before tucking her in bed.
We went to 9:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass at my parents / sister's parish right near our house. The homily was so short that in the amount of time it took me to take my pregnant self to the bathroom the homily AND creed were over. Yikes!
After Mass Eric and I relieved the in-laws of baby duty and set out Christmas gifts and stuffed the stockings.
Playing Santa is SO fun!!! (Please pretend I remembered to take a picture of the tree and all the goodies before we went to bed!)
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