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Showing posts from January, 2014

Adventures in Potty Training - Admitting Defeat?

A week ago today I set out to start potty training our sweet Evie.  Between her usual days off from school and the holiday weekend, Evie had 5 days home with me.  Perfect timing.  Panties, two kinds of potty seats, treats, stickers, and potty books. We were ready! A few people questioned me on her readiness since she's just 26 months old.  I assured them that if she picks out her own diapers and tells me when she's going then she's clearly ready to potty train. Friday afternoon we started in on the "fun".  Evie was doing great.   We quickly progressed from just sitting on the potty to get comfortable to running to the potty while she was in the act of going.  This continued for 3 of the 5 days. Day 4... I knew! I knew! was going to be the lightbulb day.  It was just going to click and we'd be home free. Ha! Day four is when I learned a tremendous amount about my personality but also my daughter's. It was now Monday and Evie woke up su...

Bump Watch: Week 27

Go Flyers! 25wks 6days Twin Day! 26 wks How far along? 27 weeks 2 days How big is baby?  Total weight gain? I think I'm holding steady around 16-17 pounds.  Finally eating healthy-ish the last two weeks helped a lot!  Maternity clothes? I started this pregnancy down a size from the last one, but I am starting to fit into some of the clothes from when I was pregnant with Evie without them looking too frumpy.  But on the downside, I don't really fit in any of my non-maternity clothes any more.  I have my eye on this shirt that I might get, but we'll see. Stretch marks? Nothing new this pregnancy. Belly button? It looks like a cinnamon roll, or a gnarly knot in an old oak tree Exercise.  Really making an effort to walk, have dance parties with Evie, and even YouTube a few mini workouts.  Thanks to everyone who f riended me on FitBit - You're keeping me motivated to not be a lazy pregnant lady! Sleep .  Back t...

Ten Pregnancy Favorites

I finally decided to compile my favorites from this pregnancy.  These are my most texted, tweeted, blogged, and bragged about items while expecting Baby Buergler #2.  Enjoy! ONE. Body Pillow Affectionately known in our house as "J-Lo" ...I don't even remember the story.  I bought this with Evie because I didn't want a body pillow that also served as a head pillow. This was all I could find at the time.  3 years and several washings later, I can't sleep without it! TWO*.   Honest Organic Belly Balm I wish this was available with Evie. It's an organic, all natural balm to slather up your belly and dry skin, especially in the Winter.  I wanted a more natural option than a lotion, and REAL cocoa butter is a pain to soften. It smells so yummy too! THREE*.  DHA/ Omega-3 Eric and I have been on the hunt for the perfect fish oil for 3-4 years. The cost/value/fish taste combination has left us empty handed.  When Honest Co release...

Friday Funday: MARTA & Lunch Date with Daddy

One of my New Year's Resolutions was/is to have one fun outing with Evie a week.  This could be as simple as a walk to Starbucks, or as adventurous as the Zoo or Aquarium.    Today was the perfect storm to accomplish one of the activities on our list: ride MARTA downtown to visit Daddy's office and have a lunch date.  The weather was not too chilly, not raining, and I am not super painfully pregnant yet. Eric and I told Evie last night about her surprise adventure.  When we told her she was going on a train ride she literally ran around in circles and started jumping with glee.  Today the moment we boarded the MARTA car, she was yelling "chuga chuga chuga choo choo!" for all the world to hear.  She was so excited!  She loved looking out the window for cars, trees, and clouds. She was really well behaved and followed all my instructions on my first request.  Whew!  Once we got to Eric's building there was just enoug...

Seven Quick Takes {4}

One. I have really enjoyed January.  It's been super slow pace around our house, but also, back in the school-work-nap-dinner routine.  I had no idea how badly I need routine in my  life until having a one year old forced me. It's made a huge difference in my productively, sleep, and moods.  And that doesn't even include all the benefits of raising a toddler in a routine crave routine too! Two. Evie and I have been obsessed with clementines this winter. Like almost a box a week.  My theory is that our bodies crave the extra Vitamin C to help us stay healthy in the Winter.  So far it's worked for Evie! Three. The last few weeks have forced Eric and I to have some difficult conversations. Stuff that gets brushed under the rug during that first year of wedded bliss, and stuff that gets put on the back burner while raising a newborn.  But thank God for His infinite wisdom and goodness in prompting us to finally have these conv...

Bump Watch: Week 25

Don't I look fabulous? Me at my best and worst these last two weeks :) How far along? 25 weeks, 2 days How big is baby?   Total weight gain? 16 pounds, the holidays were not good to me.  Many of you know I lost about 20 pounds last year.  I love seeing on my weight tracker that even 25 weeks pregnant, I am still a few pounds lighter now that I was this week last year. Maternity clothes?  I haven't bought anything new.  I got lots of compliments on my dress for my cousin's wedding.  Stretch marks? Nothing new this pregnancy Belly button?  It's getting more and more stretched out. It might actually flatten out this pregnancy! Exercise: I was super sick with a cold/flu most of these two weeks.  The extent of my exercise was walking airports and dancing at my cousin's wedding reception. And coughing, lots and lots of coughing.  Sleep:  The out the cold medicine I was taking last week kept me up most nights. Onc...

2014 Goals and Intentions

Happy New Year! Last night Eric and I took a few moments, as we do each year, to review our previous year and discuss our vision for the coming year. We both agreed 2013 was "status quo" -  We had paid off our debts in 2011, we'd bought a house in 2012, we'd had a toddler and were pregnant with another, we were stable in our was just a year of tweaking and keeping our little family afloat. On the upside, we both took up Spiritual Direction and have been tackling some major road blocks in our personal/spiritual lives and in our marriage.  It's been very healing and fruitful for both of us.  We also went 80-20 grain-free and saw dramatic difference in how we feel physically (and in my case, emotionally and mentally as well).  These are both huge accomplishments. Yay us! In part, we felt like we struggled with 2013 because we never wrote down our goals like we have in years past. (Do I sound like a youth minister or what?) Today I put the pen to...