Go Flyers! 25wks 6days
Twin Day! 26 wks
How big is baby?
Total weight gain? I think I'm holding steady around 16-17 pounds. Finally eating healthy-ish the last two weeks helped a lot!
Maternity clothes? I started this pregnancy down a size from the last one, but I am starting to fit into some of the clothes from when I was pregnant with Evie without them looking too frumpy. But on the downside, I don't really fit in any of my non-maternity clothes any more. I have my eye on this shirt that I might get, but we'll see.
Stretch marks? Nothing new this pregnancy.
Belly button? It looks like a cinnamon roll, or a gnarly knot in an old oak tree
Exercise. Really making an effort to walk, have dance parties with Evie, and even YouTube a few mini workouts. Thanks to everyone who friended me on FitBit - You're keeping me motivated to not be a lazy pregnant lady!
Sleep. Back to an insomnia pattern, but Evie's napping better during the day so I can take little nap breaks.
Movement. Out of control. I told Eric the other night I wish I could turn her off at bedtime. I feel like I'm getting head-butted in the pelvis. Ouch. But most of the time I love watching her kick, flip and swim. It's fun to see movement!
Food cravings: Coke (what?), cantaloupe, clementines, and baby carrots. Oh, and these brownies my cousin made: chocolate chip cookie + oreos + brownies. Eric had to remove them from our home. I'm just glad she brought them over after my glucose test! ha!
Food aversions: Well, I ate pork chops last week, however, I was not able to cook them...bleh.
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: Sharing our little girl's name with everyone!
Milestones: I passed my post-prandial glucose test!
Say What? In line for the bathroom at a coffee shop the lady in front of me turns around and asked, "Hey, you're not having one of those crazy-hafa-pee pregnant lady moments or can I zip in real quick?"
Sweet moments: Handing me the doppler the other morning Evie asked, "Hey Mama, can we listen to sister's heartbeat?"Oh-kay.
Make room for baby: I am getting really anxious to get the cradle set up, and her clothes and blankies washed, but I am forcing myself to finish the heavy lifting projects in the next six weeks and to save the wash and organize stuff for the last six weeks.
Oh, and THIS: I talked to the midwife and she approved my friend potentially observing our birth for her doula certification. Pretty excited about the possibility of having her there!
Compared to Evie:
- I had just started learning about eating to reduce inflammation (low grain, low dairy, low sodium); I swear eating this way from the start of this pregnancy has made a HUGE difference
- I had slipped on a rug and sprained my inner thigh so badly I was on bed rest for a week; had some issues with this over Christmas and saw a therapist to get them worked out before they became debilitating. I'm glad I did, as I am fine now!
- Just decided to make a nursery in our apartment; putting the finishing touches on the big girl room so we can update the nursery for the new baby!
- Had gained 30ish pounds; gained 17ish pounds!
- Read her 27-28 week update here!
You look great! Love reading your updates to see what might be ahead in the next few weeks.