One of my New Year's Resolutions was/is to have one fun outing with Evie a week. This could be as simple as a walk to Starbucks, or as adventurous as the Zoo or Aquarium.
Today was the perfect storm to accomplish one of the activities on our list: ride MARTA downtown to visit Daddy's office and have a lunch date. The weather was not too chilly, not raining, and I am not super painfully pregnant yet.
Eric and I told Evie last night about her surprise adventure. When we told her she was going on a train ride she literally ran around in circles and started jumping with glee.
Today the moment we boarded the MARTA car, she was yelling "chuga chuga chuga choo choo!" for all the world to hear. She was so excited! She loved looking out the window for cars, trees, and clouds.
She was really well behaved and followed all my instructions on my first request. Whew! Once we got to Eric's building there was just enough sunlight on the park to play for a few minutes.
Then we met up with Eric and went on an office tour. We got to meet all of Eric's work buddies. Unfortunately our friend Sean was out on business, and Uncle Sam was flying home from a work trip. But Evie left Uncle Sam a drawing on his white board wall! She thought it was SO cool to draw on the wall. (Dear God I hope she doesn't apply this lesson at home!)
Eric's company is on the thirty-something floor of one of the towers in Midtown Atlanta. They occupy the whole floor, so we could walk from corner to corner and see the whole city. Evie was fearless. She stood on the window ledges and pointed out all the sights around the city.
Then it was time for our lunch date! We took the elevator and escalator down to the basement cafe for smoothies, fruit, chips, sandwiches, and a cupcake! We had a feast...unless Evie spilled a good bit of smoothie down her dress. Oops.
Eric walked us back to the MARTA Station and danced with his tiny sweetheart as we waited for the train.
She jumped on our north bound train like an old pro, and climbed up in her seat as if she'd been riding MARTA her whole life.
And home we went!
Evie was so worn out from the fun and excitement she fell asleep in the car before we hit our exit. AND went down for a nap when we got home.
For as crummy as some days are with a two year old, today was one of those days that make you want to have a dozen. The world is so innocent and simple through their eyes. Everything is amazing and exciting! What a fun day. I can't wait to play more Fundays with my girl :)
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