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Showing posts from April, 2014

Easter Sunday 2014

Since Maggie's due date was April 16 (according to the midwife) and April 21 (according to my watch) I didn't make Easter plans.  I had no idea when Maggie would arrive, or if I'd be feeling up to doing anything. I bought Evie an Easter dress, and one for Maggie just incase.  I bought and arranged Easter baskets for both girls.  I'm glad I did! I didn't make it to Mass on Palm Sunday.  And had it not been Easter Sunday I probably would have skipped this Sunday too, but it's the most important liturgical celebration of the year and I didn't have enough reason to miss it. Some how our family of four was up, fed, showered, dressed, and out the door smack in the middle of the 15 minute departure window.  Gold star to us. We arrived at church just in time to catch our favorite priest outside.  He blessed Maggie and told us he was celebrating one of the auxiliary Masses in the chapel.  Score!  A chapel full of 150 people instead of the church ...

Her Name - Margaret Clare

If you know Eric and I at all -- you know that we arrive at big decisions with lots of thought and significance, and take naming a child very seriously .   And many of you have already asked when we'll tell the story of how we arrived at our new baby's name, Margaret "Maggie" Clare First, we had both assumed we were having a boy.  Not anything to place money on, but enough that we'd started talking boy names first.  We'd even picked one out before the twenty week ultrasound that revealed we were having a girl.  Back to the drawing bored.  We were really stuck.  It took us 36 weeks to come up with Evie's name  . Once we found out we were having a girl I had to dig out the baby name books and iPad apps all over again.  I cleared them of our favorites from last time. Our top 5-10 names weren't really striking a chord with us again. Here are some important points to us in choosing a name, keeping in mind our last name reads like "burglar...


Introducing... Margaret "Maggie" Clare Born  Tuesday, April 8, 2014 1:19 pm 7 lb 14 oz 20.5 inches Eric and I are so in love with our precious baby girl.  Evie is already an incredible big sister!   We can't wait to share her birth story, how we chose her name, and all about her first week at home!  

On Retiring...

Back in January I spent a long time discerning my vocation -- Do I continue with my current job or find something a little easier to juggle two kids?  Do I quit working all together?   I wrestled for a long time (I have an entire post on this, I just need to edit it when I'm not so emotional), but finally decided that being a full-time stay-at-home-mom is what I am being called to do. I gave my notice in mid-February and shortly after gave a firm deadline of April 4th as my last day.  I had a lot of things to do, including find, interview and hire my replacement --- which still hasn't been done --- as well as finish up some tasks that I usually do this time of year. With the help of my great co-workers we managed to get everything finished and divided out. I cleaned out my cubicle. And found this gem - the shirt from the first retreat I did :) But it still didn't feel real.  I have been working at this parish for nine years!  The k...