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Showing posts from June, 2014

What I Wore Sunday {1}

So I am pretty excited to join this link up for the first time.  I've seen some of my favorite Catholic bloggers participate and I've decided it's time for me to join the fun! The point of this series is to encourage dressing up for Mass!  In reading these posts I've learned of fun new places to shop for modest, church appropriate clothing.  I hope to share the love :)  Check out the link-up by clicking the picture. This Sunday our friend (now) Father Brian celebrated his Mass of Thanksgiving.  We were so excited to be there for his very first Mass as a priest!!  I forgot to snag a selfie so our post-blessing family photo will have to do. Dress - Old Navy Cami - Liz Lange Maternity Shoes - Kelly & Katie (DSW) Necklace - Etsy [not pictured] Cardigan that I wore for Mass before Maggie puked all over it - Canvas by Lands' End

The Cloud Sand Disaster

Once I hit the third trimester but especially when Maggie was first born I turned to Ye Olde TV to babysit and entertain Evie.  But lately we've noticed the days she watches a lot of TV are the days she is the most defiant.  Certainly there is a time and place for television, but Eric and I knew now that we're a bit more adjusted to life with Maggie it was time to cut back on singing animals and normally inanimate objects. Evie's preschool learned about the Earth, Water, Space, Beaches the last month of school.  The teachers made "Cloud Sand" as a sensory learning activity.  The kids LOVED it.  In fact they made it each week for a month. On the last day of school the teachers gave us the recipe for this beach in a box.  You mix 8 cups of flour to 1 cup of baby oil.  It makes a sand-like texture that's moldable.  Noted.  I  stocked up on supplies, ready for a rainy day. One of the afternoons after VBS I was totally and comp...

I Tried Carrying The Weight of The World -- My Career Discernment & Becoming at SAHM

This post has been in the queue since before Maggie was born but I did not have the emotional energy to finish it.  It's now been four months since my discernment to leave ministry to become a full-time mother. Ever since late high school I knew I wanted to work in Religious Education of some sort. I didn't know if that meant in the classroom of a Catholic school or in youth ministry, or what.  After a few years of college education in Religious Studies - focus on catechetics - and a lot of hands on ministry work, I discerned that youth ministry was the starting point for me. I was hired at the second parish I interviewed, my parent's home parish.  I was a part-time high school youth minister and I nannied for two families, and eventually went full time youth ministry while still nannying for one family. A few years later I moved into a different role that was two different hats and two different age groups:  Middle school youth ministry and 10th grade Confir...

Seven Quick Takes {5}

1. Summer is in full swing here at the Buergler House.  We're making the most of the weird weather (what I like to crudely call: Shit or Get Off The Pot). Basically, it's sunny for an hour then it rains for 15 minutes and then it can't decide what it's going to do. So, what's a toddler + newborn mom supposed to do? You can't exactly pack it up and go to the pool. You never know when the lightening is going to strike again. So we've made the most of it around the house. (cloud sand disaster post coming soon!) 2.  I love having two girls. Sisters are the best, y'all. 3.  We've been spending more time with my brother Alex and his son Connor.  Connor played his first season of baseball in a very family-friendly no-pressure league. We loved watching him learn! 4. My non-climber is finally taking off!  She's been much more adventurous with steps, the playground, and doing things "All by myself"  5.  I...

Maggie: Two Months

Measurements: Weight : from 7lbs 14 oz (birth) to 11lbs 5.5 oz (65%) Length:   from 20.5 inches (birth) to 24 inches (97%) Feeds : About 15-20 minutes about every 2.5-4 hours during the day, and every 5-9 hours at night Diapers:   Tiny Fit Tots Bots cloth diapers, and size 1 disposables (at night) Clothes:  Fits great in 3 month clothes, but ready for 6 month in footie pajamas! Shoes:  none Teeth:  none Firsts: May 8 - Five+ Hour night time sleep stretch May 16 - Non-family member babysitter May 19 - Social Smile May 23 & 24 - Spent two long days with Nana & Grandpa while Mom & Dad were at a wedding  May 29 - Trip to the cabin June 2 - Sleep through the night (9:30-6:30) June 9 - First vaccinations Milestones: Following objects with her eyes Grasping our finger or tiny toys in her hand Social smiles Can recognize Mommy, Daddy and Evie Slowly outgrowing the crazy hiccups Lifts feet and wigg...

My Five Pregnancy, L&D, and Recovery Fears Revisited

Back in February I wrote about my rational and irrational fears of having a repeat end of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and recovery experience. I wanted to revisit and follow up with how I did and how I am doing. 1. Preeclampsia  Concern: Having preeclampsia again. Outcome: While I did not have full blown preeclampsia I did end up with pregnancy induced hypertension.  I had to have urine tests and be monitored every 3 days for about 2.5 weeks.  At my 38/39 week check up the midwife said it was time to get the baby out.  I was induced again but had a much better experience. 2. Labor & Delivery  Concern: Since Evie was induced, I feared spontaneous labor and making it to the hospital on time.  Also, I was knocked out on Ambien while I delivered Evie, so I feared the pain of being alert and coherent for the birth this time.  Would I be able to do it completely unmedicated? Outcome:   Maggie was induced j ust like Evie . I was ...