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Showing posts from July, 2014

Funday: The Bowling Alley

Last week my brother gave me a call.  He asked if I wanted to meet him and Connor for Putt-Putt and Moe's later in the week.  He offered to help Evie learn how to play so I could take care of Maggie.  It sounded like fun and we love any chance we get to hang out with Uncle Alex and cousin Connor.  Uncle Alex's shift at work changes soon, so our late mornings with them will come to an end. When we woke up that morning it was already 90+ degrees at 8am and about 8000% humidity. Doing anything outside, especially baby wearing, was NOT an option. We threw out a few other ideas but then he suggested bowling.  Our local alley was offering a special for $9.99: 2 hours of bowling, personal pizza, coke, shoe rental and $3 of coins for the arcade.  Bingo. I had no idea what to expect from Evie.  Honestly, I prepared myself for helping her every step of the way.  But after 2 or 3 frames, this girl was on fire!  She could carry her 6 pound ball...

What I Wore Sunday {2}

This Sunday Eric took the early morning Mass shift by himself.  After Mass we went to his parents condo to swim and have lunch with them.  And then the crew took afternoon naps while I went to 5pm Mass by myself.  It was just want the doctor ordered.  I really needed to hear THAT homily by THAT priest and to fully engage in the Liturgy without a two year old looking for cows in my know, the usual. Evie's wearing: Sunglasses : Target Dollar bin via the Easter Bunny Cover Up:  Hand-me-down from Old Navy Swim Suit :  SnapMe Swim Wear Keens :  REI Dress :  Gap Cardigan :  Old Navy Earrings :  Stella & Dot (for a friend's adoption fundraiser!) Flip Flops :  Eliza B (because when you find stuff with your name on it you buy it!) Nails :   Julep (affiliate link) Linking up with Fine Purple Linen for What I Wore Sunday !

Surviving The First Three Months - What Baby Gear We Used With #2 (And what we didn't!)

Somehow we've survived the Fourth Trimester with two kids!  But not without the help of some great products!  When we had Evie we had a very small two bedroom apartment.  We had some great baby products that were perfect for our small apartment, but we needed to change things up a bit with a two story house and with having TWO kids! Things that we're loving with baby number 2 - Graco Travel Lite Crib Both girls have slept in our family cradle in our bedroom until four months.  We also have a beautiful convertible crib in the nursery.  However, with the tiny newborn in our two story house, I found having this mini sized pack and play in our living room to be a life saver.  I've use it both for naps and diaper changes.  It's about 25% smaller than a traditional pack n play, so it's been great to take up to my grandparents house for weekend trips.  Bonus - it keeps Evie from poking Maggie while she naps. Bright Starts ...

Maggie: Three Months

Measurements: Weight: 12 or 12.5lbs, I'm guessing Length: probably close to 25 inches Feeds: about 15 minutes every 2.5 to 4 hours during the day, and goes about 9-10 hours at night Diapers:  Tiny Fit Tots Bots, and moving into Thirsities Size 1 and regular all-in-one or pocket diapers;  and size 2 in disposables (at night) Clothes:  Packed up the last of the 3 month dresses, fully in a size 6 months.  Some 3-6 months are too small! Shoes: none Teeth: none Firsts: June 15 - Father's Day! June 20 - First "emergency" doctor's visit June 29 - Fr. Brian's First Mass and received her first First Blessings from him ( First time holding hands with a boy... Josh Man ) July 4 - First Forth of July July 4 - First trip to Waffle House July 5 - First Birthday party for cousin Luke! Milestones: Reaches for her feet / twists side to side Recognizes Mommy, Daddy and Evie & will turn head to interact Smiles, co...

4th of July Week Extravaganza!

Seriously, y'all. I LOVE 4th of July.  It's got to be my favorite holiday.  No pretense. No emotional traditions. No gift exchanges.  Just good old fashion American fun.   Sigh.  I am already excited for next year. Evie had the week off from summer school/camps.  The first part of the week was roasty-toasty outside.  We had the A/C guy come tune up our system - YAY!  But we didn't have too much else planned. Or so I thought.  At about 5:00 the garage door opened (an hour and a half early!).  Eric walked in announcing "SURPRISE DATE NIGHT!"  It was tough to leave these cutie pies behind, but I got over it real fast. Ha! The babysitter arrived at 5:30 and we took off for Main Event.  A new bowling / laser tag / billiards / arcade place.  We took advantage of their Monday $9.99 pass.  After kicking my butt in bowling Eric talked me into playing laser tag.  It was my very first time. I was seriously nervous ...