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Showing posts from August, 2014

Maggie Clare's Baptism Day! The Smells and Bells and Delicious Cake.

I hope you like lots of pictures of sacraments and cake because you're about to get a million. First up - The Background Details. Eric and I are very intentional when it comes to things of the faith.  Everything is very meaningful for us.  I thought I'd share a little behind the scenes information. Thank you to Annie Borrello for photographing the Baptism for us. Location -  We had Maggie baptized at our parish where I have worked and together we have volunteered for over nine years.  We were married here. Evie was baptized here. Godparents - After much prayer and discernment Eric and I chose our siblings to be the Godparents.  Eric chose his sister, Leeann.  I chose my brother, David. Baptismal Gown - Maggie's dress is the same one Evie wore.  It is made from Eric's maternal grandmother's wedding dress.  Eric's mother was also married in this dress.  After Leeann decided not to wear it, we learned of this ide...

Funday: Park Date with Mommy

Like any preschool age child, Evie LOVES going to the playground.  However, she gets rather intimidated with large crowds on the equipment -- this girl takes after her mama through and through.  We're fortunate to have a church playground near our house that is open to the public after school and on Saturdays and on Sunday afternoons.   Two weeks ago I took Evie over the playground for some one-on-one time (and also to play with my new camera). She's really getting comfortable on the play equipment.  Her self confidence is soaring.  I love watching her play.   I love watching you grow, Sweet Evie!

Maggie: Four Months

Measurements: Weight:  13 lbs 8 oz (43%) Length:  26 inches (95%) Feeds:  about 15 minutes every 2.5 to 4 hours during the day, and goes about 9-10 hours at night Diapers:   Tiny Fit Tots Bots, and (our new favorite) Thirsties Size 1 and regular all-in-one or pocket diapers;  and size 2 in disposables (at night) Clothes:   6 months, and moving into a few 6-9 and 6-12 months. Shoes:  none Teeth:  none Firsts: 7/9/14 - Trip to the Bowling Alley 7/19/14 - Airplane Ride 7/19/14 - Wedding 7/19/14 - Trip to Notre Dame (before her sister!) and Saint Mary's 7/19-7/20 - First Hotel Stay 8/2/14 - Moved out of the cradle to the pack n play in our room 8/3/14 - First fever & cold Milestones: Most of the same from last month Sleeps longer at night:  8:30/9:00-7:00/7:30 Does great in the Ergo Gave up swaddle Much more alert during the day Likes: A warm bath Ergo rides Laugh...