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Showing posts from October, 2014

New Beginnings

It's been a little hairy around here , but in the midst of it all good things have come.  Thanks be to God! I subscribe to a Novena email list ( you can too! ) and if one comes up and I am in need of those prayers and intentions, I will pray it.  A few weeks ago the Novena to St. Anne came up with the intention of holy families and holy marriages.  I decided to pray it with the intention of Eric's job situation changing because it was wreaking havoc on our family time together, as well as his emotional well being.  Although we prayed this novena together I never shared my intention with him.  The last day of the novena he came home from work and said, "I HAVE HAD IT!"  And that night sent out his resume to several contacts in his field. Long story short, he had interviews with three companies and landed two offers.  It was complicated weeding through the pros and cons.  Thankfully, his parents were full of lots of wisdom on the subject. The jo...

Sunday Funday: Apple Picking

At the beginning of apple season, in late August we met a farmer at the farmer's market who had the most delicious apples.  We talked to him about coming to visit the farm.  The way we spoke about it we agreed it would be the perfect mom & pop operation for us to go visit one weekend.  He even said "be sure to call ahead to make sure we're picking". Sunday morning we finished a tasty breakfast.  It was the perfect Fall day.  Eric and I decided to take the girls apple picking.  So we found the farmer's number and Eric called up to see if they were picking. And they were. We had just enough time to get out the door, stop for a quick lunch, pick apples and get home in time for the Life Teen Mass at our parish. On our drive up to Blue Ridge, GA Eric was telling me about this BBQ place on the side of the road with a million cut out pigs on signs.  And moments later we passed it.  Nothing beats road side BBQ in Georgia.   This di...

Maggie: Six Months

Measurements: Weight:  15lbs 3.4 ounces (33%) Length:  28 inches (98%) Feeds:  5 times a day, the morning feeding is getting longer with an afternoon feeding becoming more of a snack. She goes from 8pm-7amish at night between feedings.  Enjoying baby food 1-3 times a day, about 2tbsp at each feeding Diapers:   Thirsties Size 1, full sized Tots Bots (middle rise!) and Bum Genius 4.0s;  and size 2 in disposables (at night) Clothes:   wearing 9 and 6-12 months; we packed up the last of the 6 month clothes Shoes:  none Teeth:  two bottoms; two tops are coming soon! Firsts:   9/12/14 - Started napping in crib 9/14/14 - Met Eric's Aunt Mary Pat 9/20/14  -  cut first bottom tooth 9/29/14 - Chiropractor appointment 9/30/14 - Started baby food & rice crackers 10/1/14 - Sippy Cup 10/3/14 - Moved to crib for over night sleeping 10/4/14 - started rolling front to back and back to front ...

To The Love of My Life

Dear Eric, Five years ago today we said, "I Do" We had no idea what life and the Lord has in store for us. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect the peace and joy of each day with you by my side. You've taught me what it means to sacrifice and to be selfless, even when I want to be greedy and selfish.  Not by your words, but by your actions.  You give of your time, talent, treasure for me, the girls, our church, your work and so on.  Not once have you asked "what's in it for me" and never have I heard you complain. You've taught me how to love without playing games. How to be a fair fighter.  How to call each other to holiness. How to be patient during struggles. You've have saved me from myself - from my impulsive behavior when it comes to food, shopping, and spending money.  You're steady as a rock.  You never go without, but never ask for more. There are many many days that I don't know how or why you love me, but you do....

When It Rains, It Pours - Our Crazy Little Life Lately

I keep sitting down to blog and have nothing too exciting to report, but things have been absolutely crazy around here.  When it rains, it pours, right? Let's start with a few weeks ago -- Evie.   Eric and I caught her limping. I took off her shoes to see if her feet were swollen. Maybe she had been hurt and we didn't know?  When I took off her socks her feet were enflamed, peeling and blistering.  How did we miss this?  Of course it was Friday night just after her pediatrician closed for the weekend.  Saturday morning it was worse. The blisters were now oozing.  I took her to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.  The doctor told me she had a terrible case of Athlete's Foot that was now a bacterial infection as well.  During the foot exam the doctor did the routine eye/ear/lungs/heart check on Evie.  She asked me a few questions and then left the room. She brought back the swabs for strep.  In less than 5 minutes Evie's strep tes...

The One With All The Vacation Photos - Corsetti Siblings Weekend 2014

As we've grown older, and the busier our lives become, the more important we've found family time.  I am one of four children.  Three of the four of us are married. And three of the four of us have children.  Our children are close in age and just adore each other. This is our third annual weekend trip.  Just us siblings, our spouses / significant others, children and our grandparents.  We head up to Highlands, NC where my grandparents have a "cabin".  We each pitch in to help with the cooking and cleaning to maximize our time together.  In the past we've gone up during the summer, but now that I am not working weekends we thought an early Fall trip would be fun.  On Friday I picked up Evie from school and we drove straight up the mountain.  David, Paige and Zachary left Savannah very early Friday morning so they were already up there.  We enjoyed swing set time, snuggles and a huge taco spread before the rest of the crew arr...