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Showing posts from November, 2014

My Advent and Dirty Laundry (literally)

Last year's Advent was spent in prayerful discernment about my career.  Not really focused on Christ's birth, but it was spent in profound prayer.  It was much needed and very therapeutic. I still received peace as a gift through the season. As we head into Advent today, the phrase "Prepare ye the way of the Lord" has been on my heart.  I have noticed how impulsive I have become with purchases, how blind I have been to distinguish needs and wants, and how lazy I have become with my house keeping. It's time for me to "prepare the way" for Christ to live in us. And this year, that means in my house...literally! I am tired of being embarrassed with drop in company seeing my house look like an F4 just blew by.  I'm tired of making excuses of "it's been a crazy week, sorry for the mess".  And for being too overwhelmed with clutter that I don't even know where to start. For me, right now, this isn't a pride thing. It's a s...

Thanksgiving Table - Katie's How-Tos

My sister hosted her very first Thanksgiving.  She had my entire family (10 adults + 4 kids), her husband's family (6 adults + 2 kids) over for dinner, games and pie. She literally wowed each of us with her table scape looked like a page out of the Pottery Barn catalog.  The best part is that she didn't pay Pottery Barn prices for this look. My sister was gracious to pull together the details of her table to share with us!  Use her ideas and tips for your Christmas table or future Thanksgivings!  Get out and get those deals :) Macy's: Fancy pieces and candle: Last year's after Christmas sale. $25 total,  Also, Charter Club china (wedding gifts) Hobby Lobby: flower holders, candle holders, and ornaments. Regularly $12 each. On sale for 50 % every thing Mercury glass because ... Hobby lobby. Pottery Barn: Pumpkins, and all the candle pillars. Ranging from $20-60 each. All 30% off because it was "end of season". And addi...

Sweet Genevieve's Medical Adventures!

Our poor Evie Pie has been put through the wringer these last 10 days or so.  She has navigated it with such strength and calmness. I am so proud of her! Evie has been slowly working on her potty skills but is SUCH a perfectionist. She freaked out last weekend; a full 45 minute tantrum about wanting to wear a diaper.  All commentary/methodologies/judgements aside, I caved. I put her in a diaper and didn't think much about it.  That night and the next night she threw up (once all over the carpet, the other all over herself in the car) We're not sure if it was nerves or snot from her cold.  She stopped eating, only picking at her food for 3-4 days.  She was running a very low fever.  She was starting to pee in small bursts (she's normally a mega flooder when it comes to pee) and it smelled terrible.  And I realized she hadn't pooped in a week. By Wednesday she was getting worse. She couldn't stand up.  She was hyperventilating from the pain...

Play Dough - And Trying to Be a Fun Mom

After I got burned by the Cloud Sand Disaster (still kicking myself for not thinking that through), I've been a little slow to do any more crafts at home.  I just see it as one more thing to clean. I forget the value in time spent, expanding creativity, exploring new skills and making memories. I wish I could say I had these great intentions in mind while making playdough with Evie, but I was driven by the fact that I HATE the smell of store bought Play Doh brand dough.  I took this time to channel my inner Mama Bethany (who is always doing fun, thoughtful activities with her children). After digging through Evie's preschool parent handbook I found the play dough recipe they recommend and we got started.  (Feel free to copy this, Google will yield you the same information)  Looks like mashed potatoes: check!  Time to choose the colors.  Evie decided she wanted to make purple.  I took the opportunity to teach a color lesson.  Y...

The One With All The Halloween Pictures

We have (unfortunately) reached that stage of life where Halloween is no longer just one night.  It's a full fledged week of parties and activities. Most of which include costumes and waaaaaaay too much candy/cupcakes.  I know, I know, I am a curmudgeon when it comes to this holiday.  Bah humbug. Anyway, on to the cute pictures of my children. Evie dressed at Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates (she likes to add "Group" to the end of it).  She came up with this costume idea all on her own and stuck with the idea. I am so proud of her.  We used a pink shirt and jeggings she already had, I purchased the dual purpose (Halloween & Fall/Winter) boots at Target with a coupon, and ordered the bandana and pixie dust pouch off Etsy (I could have made it, but, let's be real, it would have been ghetto and probably cost me the same amount in supplies).  She looked adorable and LOVED to dress as Izzy! She had a costume party at her dance class...

Life's Little Blessings

Last week was a little crummy for us. Nothing is particular, just colds for Evie and I, whiney children, and other silly things that really shouldn't get me down.  The combination of lack of sleep, Halloween candy, and sinus pressure just put me over the edge. Friday night I nearly lost it. I had to put myself in time out.  I hid in the closet (Eric was working from home so he had an ear out on the girls) to recollect myself.  Selfishly I prayed for just a little break. Did I really need one?  No.   Did I deserve one?  Probably not. But I had a series of tiny blessings over the weekend that rejuvenated me. Saturday morning Eric's sister, Leeann, took Evie out for a special date. They went to see a kid's play downtown and then had brunch with Uncle Dan and cousin Luke.  Eric and I took the opportunity to power clean the house.  Oh my gosh, did that helped with the chaos! Saturday afternoon I photographed the Baptism of sweet Max Boster . ...