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Showing posts from February, 2015

Maggie: Ten Months

Measurements: Weight:  18lbs Length:  about 30in Feeds:  nurses 4-5 times a day & introducing bottles on  occasion; 1-2 squeeze pouches at meals + a small portion of our dinner; Yogis and puffs for snacks Diapers:   Tots Bots, Bum Genius 4.0s, Thirsties pockets and AIO, and Bottom Bumpers OS.  Size 3 in disposables (at night) Clothes:   12 month and 12-18 months; unpacking the 18 months Shoes:  none Teeth:  two bottoms; two tops Firsts: 1/12/15 - goes from sitting to crawling 1/19/15 - pointed to Eric and said "Dada" 2/6/15 - celebrated best-buddy Josh's First Birthday Milestones: Maggie still isn't crawling, but is getting closer every day.  She rolls or scoots on her bottom to get around the room. She can go from laying to sitting but only in her crib. We're not sure how to she does it. Thankfully, Maggie is back to sleeping through the night. Both top teeth are about halfway in...

On Healing and Lent

Usually on Ash Wednesday I share what I am doing for Lent.  It's never to boast or brag - I think there is something fundamentally contradictory in trying to "out lent" or "one up" someone during this season.  I share for the accountability to myself.  If I write it down and tell people I am much more likely to get the most out of it. This year's Lent requires a little back story. Many of you know that I have been struggling with  binge eating , my weight, back & joints, stomach, depression and anxiety for the last ten or so years.  I have grown tired of pills and being told to "get over it" - it's not a way of life I want to continue.  I shared that I hit rock bottom over the summer when  I nearly committed self harm.    (Please know, I absolutely believe there is a time and place for medication especially in these desperate situations) Over the last three years I have taken an interest in nutrition and food sensitivities and how t...

A Newborn Session: Meet Ellie + What I Learned (and you should know about newborn photography)

 I wanted to challenge myself and to see how I've grown as a photographer since I did Luke's photos back in 2013  so I gifted my brother and sister-in-law a session as their shower gift .  I have been looking forward to this shoot for months, yet I still felt underprepared.  Newborn photography is hard.  Really hard.  Paige was very calm and relaxed throughout the entire session, which I know kept Ellie in a sweet sleepy state.  She also had purchased a few outfits just for this session and had them ready to go along with the blankets and a few ideas of what she wanted out of the photoshoot.  While the end goal of the shoot was portraits, I quickly realized during that day that I certainly favor lifestyle shoots to portraits so I took several of those too.  I made sure to include a few pictures with Paige's wedding ring because it belonged to her late mother. It was my way of including the "three generations"  This ph...

Family Fun Night - Georgia Tech Basketball

After a ridiculously trying two-year old phase, I am loving having a three year old. Evie's just old enough to go to events and appreciate outings. Eric and I wanted to go to the Notre Dame basketball game when they played Georgia Tech a few weeks ago.  I love college basketball. Eric is indifferent, but he's always up for supporting Notre Dame and his local favorite, Georgia Tech. We decided to take Evie.  We knew it would be a late night but thought we'd give it a try.  She was mesmerized.  Seriously. We were shocked.  We told her which color team uniforms we were cheering for and how we wanted them to make a basket and which side of the court to watch for baskets.  She did get a little antsy here and there, but she'd snuggle up with G.Daddy, Eric or I. We had yummy snacks for dinner, saw Francesca and Fr. Josh from our church, and had a blast hanging out with our big girl! Grandma had fun babysitting just little Maggie for some o...

Daddy-Daughter Date Night 2015

Thank God that our local Christian radio station had a reminder to sign up for Chick-fil-a's Daddy-Daughter Date night because we nearly missed it!   After a f un night out last year , Evie remembered how special it was to get dressed up and go on a date with Eric.  She talked about it all week.  I let her pick out her dress and then we worked together to find her cardigan, bow, tights, shoes and jewelry.   She was running around in pre-date night excitement.  Eric scooped up his tiny sweetheart and posed for a few pictures before they left. Eric said they had a great night talking and playing on the indoor playground. I love the special relationship these two have and I hope it continues.  Thank you Chick-fil-a for sponsoring such an encouraging night. What a treasure to families.