Measurements: Weight: 18lbs Length: about 30in Feeds: nurses 4-5 times a day & introducing bottles on occasion; 1-2 squeeze pouches at meals + a small portion of our dinner; Yogis and puffs for snacks Diapers: Tots Bots, Bum Genius 4.0s, Thirsties pockets and AIO, and Bottom Bumpers OS. Size 3 in disposables (at night) Clothes: 12 month and 12-18 months; unpacking the 18 months Shoes: none Teeth: two bottoms; two tops Firsts: 1/12/15 - goes from sitting to crawling 1/19/15 - pointed to Eric and said "Dada" 2/6/15 - celebrated best-buddy Josh's First Birthday Milestones: Maggie still isn't crawling, but is getting closer every day. She rolls or scoots on her bottom to get around the room. She can go from laying to sitting but only in her crib. We're not sure how to she does it. Thankfully, Maggie is back to sleeping through the night. Both top teeth are about halfway in...
I am Elizabeth. He’s Eric. She’s Evie. Together we’re The Buerglers. These are our tales. We love all things from our hometown of Atlanta especially, The Braves, Delta, and Chick-fil-a. When we’re not working you can find us hiking, biking, home brewing, Jeep riding, cooking organic, baking cookies, cloth diapering or watching documentaries.