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Showing posts from March, 2015

Our Spring Break Bucket List

I am so excited to have our first "Spring Break" as a family of four.  Even though Evie went to school last year, I had Maggie on the first day of her Spring Break. It was perfect timing so I didn't have to juggle one more thing, but we didn't get to do all the fun things we had planned. This year she is old enough to have some ideas of what she wants to do with her days off from school.  Evie LOVES to make lists...just like her mama.  On our way home from the indoor jumpy playground this morning we decided to make a list of the things we want to do over Spring Break. Fly Kite - Eric and Evie have been trying to fly kites for over a year now. This is a must have for windy spring weather. Ride Bikes  -  Nothing special but Maggie is getting a new-to-us tricycle for her birthday and I know we'll want to spend time riding bikes.   Park  -  Our closet park is being remodeled. The toddler area is thisclose to being finished. We c...

You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Gray

This winter was super snowy for most of the country. We were supposed to have a rough winter but as each storm approached hours before the snow was supposed to hit the front would push north or warm just to that 32-33 degree line where the snow would turn to rain as it hit the ground.  One day it did snow a little bit and enough stuck to satisfy a Southern born three year old. We had several days off from school in anticipation of these snow storms being awful. And watching them carefully on the radar they had the potential of shutting down the city for days, but they didn't produce anything more than soggy days...and I am okay with that.  We made the most of the chilly weather this Winter with fun dinners, new games, learning scissor skills, practicing drawing, playdates, organizing the house, learning to crawl, going to the movies, reading by the fire and taking selfies.  As much as we loved our ...

You Make Everything Better - Valentine's Day and Savannah Road Trip

Valentine's Day is tricky. Eric and I (Eric especially) don't like to get caught up in too much commercialism surrounding holidays, yet I do like to do a little something fun for the kids.   This year I was going to be in Savannah with the girls on actual Valentine's Day so Eric and I planned a special dinner and little gifts for the girls a few nights before.  We got the girls a card a little gift each. Evie got a new blanket and Maggie a new cloth diaper. We live in exciting times over here at the Buergler house. Seriously though, I have zero toleration for candy and trinkets.  I made a simple cheese and meat fondue for family dinner. It was nutritious and entertainment all at once. Evie loved dipping her veggies in the cheese and Maggie had fun watching the action. Evie has really loved coloring, using scissors, and using her stamp set so I capitalized on this.  Instead of buying Valentine's for her class I helped her cut out hearts and write a messag...

Maggie: Eleven Months

Measurements: Weight:  18-19? lbs Length:  about 30in Feeds:  nurses 3-4 times a day (some feedings are replaced with a formula bottle); 1 squeeze pouch at meals + several tablespoons of whatever we're having for dinner;  occasional  puffs/cheerios/crackers for as a distraction/entertainment Diapers:   Tots Bots, Bum Genius 4.0s, Thirsties pockets and AIO, and Bottom Bumpers OS.  Size 3 in disposables (at night) Clothes:   12 month and 12-18 months; unpacking the 18 months Shoes:  none, but we had her feet measured at size 3.5 Teeth:  two bottoms; two tops (teething for those lateral  incisors ) Firsts: 2/13/15 Trip to Savannah & met cousin Ellie 2/17/15 goes from laying to sitting (but only in her crib!) 2/18/15 Ash Wednesday & received ashes 2/24/15 says  "Ike" (Spike) and "dg" (dog) 2/26/15 started crawling a few little steps 3/1/15 full on steady crawler 3/2/15 says, "Hi" an...