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Showing posts from April, 2015

Maggie's Maggi and Milo Birthday Party

When I was pregnant with Evie, my sister and Rosemary threw us a couple's baby shower with a Hungry Caterpillar theme.   And when Evie turned ONE we threw a Madeline themed birthday party.  I wasn't even sure I wanted to have a party for Maggie's birthday, but my mother insisted and I'm glad she did. We kept the guest list very small, though you wouldn't guess it by the quality and quantity of the decorations. We chose Evie's Madeline theme because the little dog's name was Genevieve, so I wanted to see if I could find a story with the name Maggie in it. I discovered  Maggi and Milo  while in the waiting room at the pediatrician's office. We read the story and fell in love.  The book is about a girl who receives a yellow bucket and a frog hunting kit from her grandmother. She wears an orange tutu and blue polka dot rain boots. Maggi and her boarder collie, Milo, go on adventures looking for frogs. It's adorable.   For the table decora...

Spring Break Bucket List - Mission: Complete

 It's been two weeks since Spring Break. I think it took us that long to recover from the amount of fun we had in just 10 short days.  We checked everything off the bucket list and then some! Friday & Saturday - Kites and Trikes The girls enjoyed a few laps around the neighborhood on their new tandem tricycle that Maggie got for her birthday. (Thanks Grandma and G.Daddy for the awesome Craigslist find) Eric took the girls down to Leeann and Dan's neighborhood to take Luke over to the park to play. They also tried to fly kites.  Little success, but it satisfied Evie. We had fun over the weekend coloring eggs and celebrating Easter with family. Monday - Ice Skating Monday I took Evie to go ice skating. She was so excited and loved everything about the day.  She loved watching the kids skate. Evie even did fantastic getting her skates on and walking around the outside of the rink in her skates. However, the second her feet hit the ice, she p...