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Showing posts from June, 2015

Cloth Diapering on (a beach) Vacation

As we planned  our vacation Eric and I were debating about bringing disposable or cloth diapers to the beach. We already had a lot of stuff to transport, so did we really want to bring another bag/bin of stuff?  Then we thought, we bring them on our 3 or 4 day weekend trips, unless we're flying.  We had never gone away longer than that with our cloth diapers.  The rental house we stayed at had a washer and dryer included so that helped make our decision. Maggie has a pretty sensitive bottom so we worried about her being in disposables for 7 full days.  I told Eric that we'd take the diapers only if we had room in the car.  We made it work! My Vacation Stash: 18 diapers (enough for 2 full days plus a wash day) I packed all-in-ones and then my  ocean print pockets  (duh!).  I wanted my easiest diaper stash because, VACATION! a roll of liners (no sprayer at the beach house) a pouch of disposable wipes a pouch of cloth wipes and ...

Our First Family Beach Trip!

Having grown up less than an hour from Florida Gulf Beaches, beach is just what you do. Having lived in Atlanta now half of my life I definitely miss the ocean....a lot!  We've done a few beach trips here and there but I was craving another trip like crazy.  Eric's parents have been planning this week for quite some time.  The treated the whole family to a week at a beach house along 30A.  The house had 4 bedrooms, full kitchen, backyard pool and a very short walk to the beach. We did a Saturday to Saturday stay, which we LOVED. It was great to have Sunday to sort laundry and get our life organized before heading back in to the weekly grind. With a five and half hour drive ahead of us, not counting a potty training 3 year old's bladder, I decided to stock up on a few car toy surprises. I bought this Melissa and Doug Picture Maker , a Crayola dry erase board set, a few new story books, and the scrounged for some old favorites the girls hadn't played with in...