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Showing posts from 2016

2016: Best is Yet to Come

This year was crazy upon crazy. Career changes and a new family member, but my Best is Yet to Come January The school year was in full swing. Evie attended four-day threes, and weekly tap/ballet classes. Maggie enjoyed Mom-and-me gymnastics. Elizabeth substitute taught 9th grade Scripture and 10th grade Roman Lit for Kolbe. Eric started seriously training for a Half Ironman. We had a few snow days. We found out Baby Buergler #3 was a boy! February Eric took the girls to their annual Chick-fil-a Daddy-Daughter Date Night. Eric rode with Roswell Bikes on Saturdays.  Maggie and Elizabeth had the flu. Nannie had emergency surgery. Evie went to the circus with Grandma and G. Daddy. Spike stayed with us for a few weeks. We bought a new-to-us van! Elizabeth made 100 Club at Pure Barre. March The month opened with the Presidential Election Primaries. Eric attended Donuts with Dad at Evie's school.  We celebrated Easter. Evie did physical therapy for her gross motor delay...

Nathan: Five Months

  Measurements: Weight:   ~16lbs Length:  27-28 inches Feeds:  nurses 5 times a day; about 15-20 minutes each session. Diapers:    Blueberry Simplex and Smartbottoms size 3 in disposables Clothes:   6 mos and 6-9 mos, 9 mos and 6-12 mos Shoes:  none Teeth:  none; those bottom ones will be here soon! Firsts: Nov 8 - Celebrated Evie's 5th birthday at Disney Nov 24 - Thanksgiving Nov 27 - Full Family Professional Photos School tours for Evie! Milestones: Looks for toys or people Smiles and laughs Coos and "talks" Drools Loves his thumbs! Graduated to sleep sack for naps and bed Sticking to his Moms-on-Call feeding, napping, and sleeping schedule getting ready for solids! Lifting his legs up Getting ready to roll Likes: Bath time Diaper changes Attention from his family Floor gym When the girls play with him on the floor Dislikes: Too much Maggie in h...

Nathan: Four Months

Measurements: Weight:  15lbs 4oz (52%)  Length:  26.8 inches (94%)  Feeds:  nurses 5 times a day; about 20-30 minutes each session. Diapers:    Blueberry Simplex and Smartbottoms busting out of size 2 in disposables Clothes:   6 mos and 6-9 mos Shoes:  none Teeth:  none Firsts: Oct 31 - Halloween Nov 6 - Airplane and Bus ride Nov 7 - trip to Disney World! Milestones: Focuses eyes Smiles Coos Drools Found thumb. Self soothes to sleep. Graduated to half swaddle for bed (needs his thumb!) and sleep sack for naps On an awesome feeding schedule (Mom's on Call 12wk old schedule since we won't start solids until 6 months) Graduated out of Ergo infant insert Still has a little head lag but is mostly holding his head up Nathan sleeps through the night and has since about 8ish weeks Likes: Bath time Diaper changes Attention from his family Floor gym (reaching for animals!) ...

Nathan: One Month

Measurements: Weight:  9lbs 2oz (39%)  Length:  22.3 inches (83%)  Feeds:  nurses 5-6 times a day; 1-2 during the night. He was nursing about 25-30 minutes but is down to about 20-25 each feeding. Diapers:   v2 Tini Tots,  v2 Bottom Bumpers Size 1, and newborns in GroVia, Thirisies Blueberry Simplex and Smartbottoms graduated to size 1 in disposables Clothes:   graduated from newborn to 0-3 Shoes:  none Teeth:  none Firsts: 7/9/16 Came home from the hospital 7/12/16 Pediatrician Visit 7/23/16 Bath at home 7/24/16 Mass (at Transfiguration, celebrated by Fr. Dennis) 7/26/16 Chiropractor visit Milestones: Starting to focus eyes Starting to figure out his hands So close to a social smile Nurses like a champ and took to it within a few tries! Likes: Being held in the afternoons, usually about 2-5pm (car rides will do!) Laying on the floor gym with Evie and Maggie Hanging out i...

Nathan's Birth Story

On Friday June 17, at thirty four and a half weeks I woke up with a migraine, puffy, dizzy and my blood pressure had jumped up 20-25 points over night. I knew the inevitable had happened. Preeclampsia. I called the midwife and they had me come in for a check up, and then they sent me to the hospital for several hours of monitoring and labs. They sent me home that night with orders for modified bedrest and twice a week check ups.  On Monday the obstetrician called with my lab results. I had the start of preeclampsia and given my history of having it twice already, would need to be induced at 37 weeks. They sent me in to get steroid shots for the baby incase he needed to be born early. I stayed on bedrest for the next two weeks and went to the hospital one other time for monitoring.  Everything was up and down.  Some days I was swollen and dizzy some days I was up doing normal activity just fine.  Some days my blood pressure was record low and some days it was in ...