Weight : 27-28lbs (75%) Length: 36.5 in (97%) Eats: 3 full meals with us, a snack or two if she's hungry, and 8-12 ounces of cows milk (nap and either dinner or bed). She has a sippy of water throughout the day Diapers: All our favorite OS cloth diapers. Size 5 in disposables (more for the extra absorbency and rise than for fit) Clothes: We skipped 2ts and went straight to 3ts. She's so tall that she has to wear little shorts under her dresses. Shoes: 6.5 Sleep : 8pm bedtime, wake up around 7 or 8, one nap around 1:00 (a little earlier if we don't have carpool) Teeth: Everything she should have by 2! All The Things: Maggie couldn't be any more talkative. She's such an extrovert, and I believe she favors her Grandma in her love of a good party and hanging out with family and friends. If we're home for too long Maggie asks to go see friends, go pick up Evie from school, ...
I am Elizabeth. He’s Eric. She’s Evie. Together we’re The Buerglers. These are our tales. We love all things from our hometown of Atlanta especially, The Braves, Delta, and Chick-fil-a. When we’re not working you can find us hiking, biking, home brewing, Jeep riding, cooking organic, baking cookies, cloth diapering or watching documentaries.