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Bump Update: 33 Weeks

33 weeks

30 weeks

 25 weeks
 23 weeks
22 weeks

How far along? 33 weeks

How big is baby? According to The Bump, 
He weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. And he may grow up to a full inch this week -- amazing.

Total weight gain?  33 lbs (Maggie - 26lbs, Evie - 40lbs)

Maternity clothes? Oh yes. I am rotating between 2-3 pairs of shorts and a few sundresses. I bought a pair of bright red ankle pants and 2 dressy tops for "going out".  As much as I love dresses I just can't sit modestly in a short dress these days. 

Stretch marks? Not a single new one this pregnancy!

Belly button? the top part of the circle sticks out, that's it.

Exercise?  I was going to Pure Barre 2-3x a week until about 3 weeks ago. They changed the schedule and it just didn't work for us right now so I put my membership on hold until September. I had been walking during the week too, but it's too hot. Once we got back from the beach we joined a big fancy gym with a pool and childcare :)  Swimming has been amazing.

Sleep-  Hit or miss. Mostly I wake up with one of the girls and then I'm up for 2-3 hours. Not awake enough to do anything but obviously too awake to sleep. That's a dumb sentence. ha.

Movement- Little brother is a dancing fool. He's mostly "activated" by sweets and caffeine. He is head down, left presentation and already descending. Way to go little brother!

Food cravings- Donuts, but nothing really strong. Oh, wait. I really like cold, shredded iceberg lettuce. I know.

Food aversions- Really, I just don't want to eat any more.
What I miss- Energy

What I am looking forward to- Not having to fret about cankles and preeclampsia symptoms appearing. And obviously, meeting our little man!

Milestones-  I can't really shave or pick anything up off the floor.

Say What?  Still getting a lot of "I hope you're having a boy" comments.  But why? WHO CARES? And honestly, I kind of wanted another girl AND I totally love my two girls so I am super offended that you think I NEED a boy for my family to be complete or for me to be satisfied. 

Sweet moments: The girls are just SO in love with "Baby Brudder". They beg to come to the midwife with me to hear "Baby Brudder's Heart Beep".  They're constantly asking what he's doing. They love to give him kisses. This morning Maggie tried to feed him breakfast through my belly button.

Make room for baby: Eric is still working really hard on the bunkbeds for the girls room. I don't think we're going to move Maggie in with Evie just yet, but he wants to have them done so 1) he's not worrying about it once Brudder comes and 2) he can park his car in the garage again.  Clothes are washed. Diapers are stripped/prepped/washed. We need to get the cradle, carseat and pack and play set up but we have a few weeks.

Oh, and THIS: 

In my head I had written about going to the hospital because I had a stomach bug so violent that I was actually delirious and it was triggering contractions.  Some Zofran and a LOT of water and gatorade and I was good as new in about 48 hours. My stomach muscles hurt for almost a week from throwing up. Crazy.

While we were down at the beach I thought I might have a blood clot in my knee so we went to the ER and they did an ultrasound on it. (While I am slightly a hypochondriac, my family carries a blood clotting disorder gene, plus pregnancy, plus the long car ride....too many risk factors for my comfort level)  The doctor said it was good to have it checked out, but I was fine.  He said a lot of people get weird inflammation on old injuries when they travel down there because the sand is so fine and difficult to walk on. At least I wasn't alone?

Now for the good news: I've only had little flare ups of anxiety. Nothing lasting more than a day and nothing I can manage without using the techniques from therapy last summer.  Hoping for a better post partum situation.

Really good news: I've been seeing two amazing chiropractors (one who has had homebirths!) who have been keeping on top of my diet and exercise in addition to keeping my hips/spine aligned. Their accountability has really helped me stay healthy this pregnancy. They have also recently hired a massage therapist who is certified in pregnancy and thai yoga massage.  I was having trouble putting my shorts on and in one visit she worked the ridiculously deep muscle that was causing the pain. I can't wait to see her again next week :)

Even better news: I have had AMAZING blood pressure this pregnancy. I think the lower starting weight, the base line of exercise + REAL exercise during the pregnancy + knowing my inflammatory foods + not working has really helped. I know it's a lot of variables, but whatever, it's working and that's all that matters!  We did a baseline of proteins lab at 31 weeks and unless I have symptoms of preeclampsia we don't need to do any more tests. My midwife gave us the green light to retake the waterbirth class (hospital policy) and to start planning for whatever kind of birth plan I want. This is SO unreal!

Just a few weeks left. Hopefully I'll remember to write another Bump Update before brother is here!!!


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