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Showing posts from January, 2017

Nathan: Six Months

Measurements: Weight:   16lbs 15.5ounces  Length:  27.5 inches Feeds:  nurses 5 times a day; about 10-15 minutes each session. Diapers:    Blueberry Simplex and Smartbottoms size 3 in disposables Clothes:   9 mos and 6-12 mos Shoes:  none Teeth:  two bottoms Firsts & Milestones: Dec 25 - First Christmas Dec 30 - Tried carrots Jan 12 - flu shots + rolled over Likes: Thumb attention from sisters chewing on anything he can baths Disikes: Tummy time realizing he's alone wet diapers  Nathan continues to be a dream baby.  He lives by his schedule. I can almost set my watch to it. 7-8 wake + nurse 930 car nap  10:30 nurse 12 cradle nap 2 nurse 3 cradle nap 5 nurse 730 bath 8 nurse and bath His six month visit didn't go as swimmingly as expected.  Nathan still isn't putting a lot of pressure on his feet (a 4 month mile...

Evie: Five Years

Where has the time gone? Our first born is FIVE! One whole hand.  Three months late is better than never.  We love you sweet Evie Girl! Weight:  48lbs Length/Height:  44 inches  Eats:  3 full meals, 1-2 snacks, 10-15oz of water, 5oz of almond milk Diapers:  Pull Ups at Night Clothes:   6-7 or 7-8 Shoes:  12W Teeth:  All are accounted for, nothing loose yet Sleep:  8pm-7:30am + a rare, but welcomed car nap every few months Milestones: Evie went to PT this year for poor muscle tone and a weak core. A lot of this was due to (but also contributing to) her constipation history. After 4 months of weekly physical therapy and diligently doing her homework, Evie caught up to her peers. She's been seeing another specialist for her tummy.  She's not 100% on her medication, but we haven't had any set backs or any more vomiting or constipation.  Evie can do basic addi...

She's a Natural

2017 :: Goals

It's New Year's Resolution time.  Regardless of the date on the calendar, I had a crash and burn kind of semester with having a baby in July and starting teaching my own classes in August. It's literally been sink or swim.  We've made little concessions over the last few months, that are fine. I mean you gotta do what you gotta do. But they're starting to add up and take a toll on our house, our family life, our health, and our marriage.  This week before Christmas and New Year's always seems to be this way for me.  We tried Fall and it didn't work so let's try some new things for Spring.  Summer is it's own beast. This week I've been reading Emily Ley's Grace Not Perfection  and Eric and I watch Minimalism  the new documentary from the guys who write The Minimalists   Both focus on the same thing: simplifying your life to make time and energy for what truly matters. In our discussions this week, Eric and I have come up with some thin...