It's been a while, friends. Hi! Where did we leave off? Ah yes, the roach . He's still alive. It's been over 10 days. Though, he's slowing down and looking a little skinnier than when we first found him. Maybe I'm making it up. I've started my new job with my friends lawn maintenance company. Most of my time has been spent learning all the new (to me) software, moving the office to it's new locations, and just learning what the company does and offers. Chris and I have had a great time working together so far. I'm really enjoying learning new things. Chris has already taught me a lot about great customer service. This weekend was my last retreat with middle school kids. It was bittersweet. We had a spirit filled weekend full of lots of laughs, low ropes, rock wall, ultimate frisbee, prayer, and learning about Jesus. Our theme was "You Never Let Go" and we discussed three parables: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, ...
I am Elizabeth. He’s Eric. She’s Evie. Together we’re The Buerglers. These are our tales. We love all things from our hometown of Atlanta especially, The Braves, Delta, and Chick-fil-a. When we’re not working you can find us hiking, biking, home brewing, Jeep riding, cooking organic, baking cookies, cloth diapering or watching documentaries.
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